Dame Anne Glover

Doctor of Science, 2015

One of Scotland’s best known scientists, Dame Anne Glover was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Science by Abertay in 2015.

And to say it’s much deserved would be an understatement.

Anne’s scientific research has been significant, leading to her holding a string of notable positions. She was the first Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland, and after that became the first Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission.

In both positions she transformed the way science, engineering and technology were used and discussed within government.

Recently she was elected president of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

And what about her research?

Well, she’s looked at how proteins are directed to the right location in our cells, the function of the microbial population in soil, how we respond to stress at a molecular level and much more.

She’s also commercialised some of her biosensor technology into a successful company which diagnoses environmental pollution and provides solutions for its clean-up.

Dame Anne Glover

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