Elite Sport @ Abertay

The Elite Athlete Development Programme

As part of our goals to develop sport at all levels from beginners to international,  we support some of our students in their quest to reach the top level of international sport.

These athletes are usually competing at at senior or age grade national level (see  selection criteria below). We help them on their quest for success through the Elite Athletes Development Programme (EADP). 

We are immensely proud to have helped some of our students to reach their sporting goals and represent their country.


'The EADP has been a massive support to me during my time at Abertay University. Being part of the program has given me added piece of mind knowing the University actively supports my judo pathway and my academic study. The financial assistance greatly helps with the cost of transport, training, competition and new kit.' Gregor Miller, Judo.


Gregor Miller Judo action shot

Sports we supported in 2023/24

  • Judo

  • Touch Rugby

  • Wheelchair Basketball

  • 10m Air Pistol

  • Sailing

  • Kickboxing

  • Down Hill Mountain Biking

  • Pool

  • Rugby Union



Elite Sport - Lucy Williamson Hockey for Scotland U21 22-23



Why be part of EADP?

If you are selected for EADP you will get:

  • A programme of support services including sports nutrition, sports psychology, lifestyle management and sport science.

  • A tailored strength and conditioning programme specific to your sport.

  • Supervised strength and conditioning sessions at the university gym.

  • Funding for costs related to travel, training and competition.

  • A full gym membership.

  • Promotional opportunities.

  • Mentoring.



Elite sport - Ben Leitch pro wheelchair basketball


How to apply

Complete and submit the Elite Athletes Development Programme application form.

We can only accept applications at the start of the academic year in September. The application form is usually live in week one of semester one when applications open.


I have been fortunate enough to be a part of the EADP which has been very helpful in helping me fulfil my full potential in sport…. It’s a great programme run by the university to help elite athletes reach their full potential and break down any barriers they may have while studying. Sam Knight, Hockey for Scotland under 16s, 18s,19s, 21s & 23s 


The EADP selection criteria

Selection is based on:

  • Level of representation - you will be competing at a junior international level or above (or equivalent) in your sport.

  • The current level of performance - such as placings, personal bests, times, distances.

  • Evidence of progression.

  • External references from professionals such as your coach, manager, NGB etc.


Elite Sport - touch rugby


What we expect from our EADP athletes

If you are selected for programme, you are expected to:

  • Contribute to the University’s sporting programme.

  • Participate fully in the programme of support services.

  • Attend any scheduled meetings or seminars throughout the year.

  • Participate in quarterly meetings with the SDO.

  • Make satisfactory overall progress (academically and athletically) over the year of support.

If you are selected for the programme, you'll need to sign a contract agreeing to uphold these expectations.

'Studying full-time is an onerous task at the best of times. Studying full-time whilst aspiring to become an international class athlete in sport requires dedication and self-discipline of the highest level. The University of Abertay Dundee Elite Athletes Development Programme allows students to perform at international level by providing them with the skills and expertise necessary to successfully incorporate a heavy load of training and competition whilst undertaking their academic programme. The success of the programme speaks volumes of the commitment shown by the University to supporting elite sport. Year after year Abertay athletes continually perform on the international scene whilst maintaining their academic programme - such dedication deserves our support!' Liz McColgan, Athletics World Champion & World Record Holder


Find out more

Student with Ulcerative Colitis to make Scottish Cycling Hour Record attempt for charity

Female sports stars on elite development programme

Elite Athletes: Club performance programme

As well as EADP, we provide a Club Performance Programme designed to support the student sports clubs which are operating at the higher end of University sport within Scotland and the UK. This includes:

  • Sports science testing and support.

  • Sports Psychology.

  • Nutrition.

  • Strength and conditioning.

  • Coaching.

  • Increased funding.

Clubs are invited to apply in April for the following academic year.

The application process invites clubs to describe how to programme will benefit them and where they might also be supported on a more sport-specific basis.

For more information on the sports that are on the programme, or how to apply, please contact the Sports Office.


More information and contacts

Michael Devlin
Sports Development Officer
The Sports Office, Graham Building

Abertay University
Bell Street
Dundee, DD1 1HG
01382 308954

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