What is Clearing?

Find out when and how your student can use Clearing.

Clearing is how universities fill any remaining places on their courses. If your student doesn't have a confirmed place at university, the UCAS Clearing process gives them the chance to find a course with spaces available.

When does UCAS Clearing 2024 open?

Clearing officially opens for applications on 5 July 2024, but you can get a head start and register interest to receive further information.

📧 Register for Clearing updates

How do I know if my student can use Clearing?

  • If they submit an application through UCAS on or before 30 June, they go through the standard undergraduate admissions process. If they apply on or after 1 July, their application is entered into Clearing, although it officially opens on 5 July.

  • If they sat exams in a previous year so they already have their results, they can go to UCAS to apply through Clearing as soon as it is open. The application process is the same as the standard process - you complete all the same sections.

  • If they’re waiting for their results in August, they can only apply through Clearing once they have them.

Clearing continues at Abertay until we have no more places left.

Applying through Clearing is quick and easy – but the process varies slightly depending on whether or not they've submitted an application through UCAS already.

Your student may not have thought about going to university until they got their grades through--and that's fine! They can go through Clearing to try and secure an offer.

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