Mr Samie Muhsin


Faculty Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences

Department Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8129


I’m a full-time Incorporated Senior Civil Engineer with Dundee City Council and a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). 

I have over 30 years’ industrial experience in project management and civil engineering consultancy services in relation to highways, buildings, infrastructure, environmental improvements, and road maintenance.

My key accomplishments to-date include the construction of the new Tay Road Bridge and the successful completion of the Dundee waterfront storm water tank as part of £300m waterfront redevelopment programme.

As an experienced senior engineer and project manager, I’m involved in the career development of engineers and new graduates, while ensuring that the projects operate efficiently.  With that in mind, I’m always keen to ensure that my students develop practical design skills which will enhance their employability.

Samie is a part-time lecturer within the School of Science, Engineering and Technology where he teaches Civil Engineering undergraduates Highways and Traffic Engineering, Road alignment design practical computer workshops and Materials lab testing.


Samie’s research interests are in the field of Highway design, in particular the use of industry standard highway design software e.g. AutoCAD 3D, MX and how to improve and maximise students practical design skills for future employment.

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Knowledge Exchange

Project Management and Construction Industry Experience

Dundee Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 – Senior Civil Engineer (Infrastructure Team)

Dundee City Council representative, for the preparation and delivery of the Local Flood Risk Management Plans based on information provided through the Flood Risk Management Strategies prepared and issued by SEPA. Preparing and constructing flood protection schemes for Broughty Ferry and Camperdown Dock to Dundee Airport (2015 – 2022) £20M.

Dundee Central Waterfront Development – Project Manager (Waterfront Team)

Contract 4 – Infrastructure, Suds Pond & Public Open Space (2014 – 2015) - £14.1M

This contract comprises:

Construction of new Roads namely the Northern and Southern Boulevard, links Roads B, C, D, F, G, H; installation of road drainage and connections to the new drainage system installation of Strategic Surface Water and Foul Water Drainage systems; construction of a Surface Water Pumping station and Foul Water Pumping Station; design and installation of New Service Provisions for development plots; high quality mixed Hard and Soft Landscaped finishes to roads B,C, H, F and G diversion of the Hatton Rising Main that carries pumped foul water in an east/west direction through the Site; Maintaining flow in the existing Hatton Rising Main at all times. Site compound required installation of below ground works for 7 no. new phased signalised road junctions;protection and diversion of buried pipes, services and the like; removal of redundant services, drains and clearance of plots for future development; construction of the Public Central Open Space, which a mixed hard and soft landscaped area:-

• To undertake the general site clearance of the plot;
• Undertake excavation of the existing ground to formation level and remove to tip offsite;
• Install geotextiles at formation level and back fill excavation;
• Install hard landscaping (granite slabs);
• Install new foul water pumping station and associated ancillaries;
• Install strategic drainage system;
• Install filter drain system;
• Construct central grassed area;
• Install tree root containment system around perimeter of grassed area surfaced with resin bound gravel;

Construction of a SUDS pond to treat highway run-off on the east of the development Installation of Tree root containment system Installation of Nethergate Combined Sewer Overflow diversion including thrust boring below Dock Street Rail tunnel.

Contract 3 - Northern Ramp Replacement and Northern Boulevard Provision (2011-2013) – £12.6M

This contract comprises:

• Phased service diversions and major junction realignment at Riverside roundabout
• Staged demolition of the three number elevated Northern on/off ramps including pile-caps, whilst accommodating live traffic on the existing TayRoadBridge.
• Two stage construction of Marketgait bridge (composite deck structure) incorporating two stage propping of deck to allow replacement of 3 no. existing piers, whilst accommodating
• Strengthening of existing deck with carbon fibre plate (full width soffit and deck upper surfaces), waterproofing plinth replacement and concrete repairs to existing deck, whilst accommodating live traffic on the existing TayRoad bridge.
• diversion of the Hatton Rising Main that carries pumped foul water in an east/west direction through the Site;
• construction of temporary at-grade diversion routes C and H;
• provision of a new three lane Northern Boulevard and strategic drainage connecting the proposed junction arrangement at Riverside roundabout to the new Ramp and temporary route layout
• installation of below ground works for 4 no. new phased signalised road junctions;
• protection and diversion of buried pipes, services and the like;
• installation of road drainage and connections to the existing drainage system
• installation of strategic surface water and foul water drainage systems

Contract 2 - Ramp D Replacement and Westbound Temporary Route Provision (2010-2011) - £7M

This contract comprises:

• structural modifications and moving of the central reserve of the elevated sections of the access/exit ramps of the Tay Road Bridge (Ramps B & C) in order to provide two lanes down Ramp C;
• modification and reconstruction of the existing road junction at bottom of Ramp C where it joins South Marketgait and at grade widening of Ramp C to provide a 4 lane approach to a new signalised;
• diversion of the Hatton Rising Main that carries pumped foul water in an east/west direction through the Site;
• demolition of the elevated westbound exit ramp of the Tay Road Bridge (Ramp D) including pile-caps and construction of a new elevated and at-grade Ramp 1 including piles and pile caps as a replacement for Ramp D;
• associated structural supports to the existing adjacent elevated ramp during demolition of Ramp D and construction of Ramp 1;
• temporary and permanent relocation of the Telford Beacon
• construction of temporary at-grade diversion routes 1 and 3 (part of Westbound throughroute);
• construction of permanent access road to Plot 12 (part of Westbound throughroute);
• construction of link from Ramp 1 to South Marketgait for eastbound traffic and from Ramp 1 to Westbound Temporary route (Route 1);
• installation of below ground works for3 no. new signalised road junctions;
• protection and diversion of buried pipes, services and the like;
• installation of road drainage and connections to the existing drainage system
• installation of strategic surface water and foul water drainage systems

Contract 1 - Provision of Storm water Tank and Diversion of Hatton Foul Riser (2009 - 2010) - £4.4M

This contract comprises:

The supply and installation of a new Storm Water Tank and associated Pipework and Pilling.
More specifically the construction of:

• Storm Water storage tank and associated piling.
• Storm Waterfall through existing river wall
• Construction of Twin 1050’s outfall to the River Tay
• Temporary works to migrate against settlement to the former Hilton Hotel and Gal Casino
• Archaeological Survey of Quayside walls
• Provision all necessary pedestrian/cycleway traffic management

Knowledge Exchange

Honours Projects, supervisor for a number 4th year civil engineering students, carrying-out investigations and literature reviews on a number of topics related to Tay Road Bridge, Dundee Roads and Dundee Waterfront project:

2014-2015     New products such as energy efficient ‘cold-lay’ surfacing materials are in   their development phase and plays a vital role in providing roads and footpaths   that meet the needs of the user, are safe and give value for money.

2014-2015    Traffic assessment of new roads at Dundee Central Waterfront.

2014-2015    Applying minimum asphalt protection layer and binder thickness on  waterproofing systems on concrete bridge decks for practical economic    reasons and, in such cases, a number of premature failures have occurred    when the asphalt has broken up and potholes have developed. 

2015-2016    The reuse and recycling of reclaimed building demolition materials, road  planning, crushed concrete and mineral by-products such as slags, furnace    bottom ash (FBA) and the like and to encourage their widest application in   roads and pavement design.

2015-2016    Using AutoCAD Civil 3D to design a roadway in accordance with the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW), Design    Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB).

2015-2016    Environmental assessment of the impacts that road projects may have on levels of noise and vibration. It includes on calculating night time noise levels,   determining the extent of the study area and selecting appropriate traffic speed   data.

2015-2016    Environmental assessment of the impact that road projects may have on local regional air quality. It includes a calculation method to estimate local pollutant   concentrations and regional emissions for air including those for carbon.

Meet the rest of the team

Dr Kimberley Bennett

Dr Kimberley Bennett

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Reader in Comparative Physiology

View profile

Mr Ezzaldin Ibrahim

Mr Ezzaldin Ibrahim

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Teaching Fellow

View profile

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