Miss Kayleigh MacLeod


School School of Design and Informatics

Department Division of Games and Arts

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8738


Kayleigh MacLeod is a Doctoral Researcher and Teaching Fellow in the School of Design and Informatics at Abertay University.

Kayleigh’s main research interests include the exploration of the beneficial factors of games with cultural heritage and minority languages.

Prior to joining Abertay, Kayleigh gained her MProf in Games Development and worked within the Games Industry at a local indie company, Space Budgie. 

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Meet the rest of the team

Miss Clare Brennan

Miss Clare Brennan

Division of Games and Arts | Lecturer

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Mr Ryan Locke

Mr Ryan Locke

Division of Games and Arts | Head of Centre for Excellence in Computer Games Education

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Pause carousel

Play carousel