Miss Alison Duffy

Research Assistant

Faculty Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences

Department Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8112


I have worked in the environmental management research area at Abertay University's Urban Water Technology Centre since 2000. I frequently work in a multi-stakeholder environment including both the public and private sector on a national and international basis in the context of sustainable water asset management, specifically sustainable drainage systems.

I have been PI in the development of several urban water management frameworks, guidance, financial calculators / tools, communication documents and strategic directions reports: the findings of this research have aided decision making processes in the water sector, both on a national and international scale. Many research initiatives have focussed on developing a collaborative approach with national and international government agencies. I developed an urban water management transition framework and co-authored a guidance manual based on experiences in twelve cities from Europe, South America, Africa and China for the EU funded SWITCH project (Sustainable Water Improves Tomorrows Cities Health). Continuation of this work, funded by the EU Med Programme focused on energy efficient SUDS in six cities with bespoke frameworks developed including manuals translated into 6 different languages to guide each city towards future sustainable solutions.

I have completed several Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) funded projects, the most recent as PI for 'Taking a collaborative approach in the water sector: Lessons learned from the Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership'. Outputs informed water policy and drove the BGI cities agenda in Scotland. Other CREW projects include Design and Build Guidance for Rural Sustainable Drainage Systems; Strategic Directions report to further source control in Scotland; Schools public outreach to promote awareness of the urban water cycle, the understanding of SuDS and related functional and ecosystem services benefits.

I have extensive experience in the conceptual design, integration and long-term management of SuDS assets including monitoring, technical performance reviews and cost benefit analysis. Projects include: pollution control and technical performance monitoring (Bear Scotland); SWMP including SuDS CBA to alleviate flooding issues (Glasgow City Council); technical performance assessments and development of national guidelines for adopting SuDS constructed before technical standards were available in Scotland (Scottish Water).

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  • Module Lead: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering, EEM104, 2016 - ongoing.
  • Module Lead: Abertay Online Engineering HEM509 Environmental Modelling and Climate Change, 2024 – ongoing.
  • Industrial Supervisor EEM303, MEng / BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2014 – ongoing.
  • Academic Supervisor EEM303, MEng / BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2012 – ongoing.
  • Integrated project SUDS expert EEM403, MEng / BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering 2010 - ongoing
  • Module Lead ABE104: Dundee and Me. 2024 - ongoing
  • Module Lead ABE106: How to sell your ideas! 2022 - ongoing
  • Module Lead ABE111: Numbers for everyday life. 2024 - ongoing
  • Module Lead ABE206: Sustainability 101. 2025 – ongoing
  • Module Lead ABE215: Numbers for success. 2025 – ongoing
  • Training Workshops (Europe, Sth Africa, Sth America) covering all research areas. 2006 – ongoing.
  • Course Tutor / Designer for CIWEM accredited SUDS OnLine and SWITCH Stormwater OnLine. 2004 – 2011.
  • Tutor support for Civil and Environmental Engineering and Forensic Science undergraduate graduate and post graduate Modules. 2004 – ongoing.
  • Co-facilitator of SUDS Short Course Training including site visits for professionals in the industry. Training material: SUDS O&M, SUDS costs and benefits, Integrated Urban Water Management, Transitioning Urban Water Systems. 2003 – ongoing.
  • Project Supervisor: MEng / BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering., BSc Forensic Science and Environmental Management MSc Water and Environmental Management - Abertay University; MA Geography and MSc Ecosystems Services - Edinburgh University. 2002 – ongoing.


  1. Currently; Pollution Control Monitoring and Technical Performance Inspections for the A92 Highway SUDS funded by Bear Scotland. PI: collect and analyse water / sediment samples, annual performance report to ensure long-term management and fit for purpose assets. 2008 – ongoing.
  2. Currently; St Mary’s Blue Green Space – Community Engagement Research in collaboration with Scottish Water and Dundee City Council. Explore the accessibility element of Surface Water Management within the St. Marys Drainage Strategy, including barriers and enablers to implementing BGI within a community. This output will be used to inform future implementation of BGI in in other parts of Dundee, and across Scotland.
  3. Completed; EU Interreg NSR I2I (From Isolation to Inclusion) innovation in service delivery to improve social inclusion and counteract loneliness, Co-PI WP3: develop indicators, evaluate impact of interventions developed and implemented during project lifespan individually and transnationally, 2018 – ongoing. https://northsearegion.eu/i2i
  4. Completed: Low Carbon Challenge Fund (Scottish Enterprise) ‘Transform NetZero’ supports the Food and Drink sectors with the design and adoption of innovative products and services in water technology, energy efficiency, waste and carbon sequestration – saving money and the environment. Transition specialist. https://www.abertay.ac.uk/business/facilities-and-services/transform-net-zero/
  5. Completed; Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Project: Build your own school raingarden in 3 Dundee Secondary schools – PI, with volunteers from engineers in the field inspect school grounds, analyse for retrofit solutions, design raingarden, implement structures with schoolchildren, 2019 – 2022.
  6. Completed: Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), PI: Taking a collaborative approach in the water sector: Lessons learned from the Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership to inform future water management policy and drive the blue/green cities agenda. Review history, undertake Interviews and workshops across Scotland, develop case studies, recommendations report, 2020 – 2022. https://www.crew.ac.uk/publication/taking-collaborative-approach-water-sector-review-metropolitan-glasgow-strategic
  7. Completed: UKWIR SW01E205 FOG Control and FOG Collection: A Joined up approach. Co-PI, Recommendations for better FOG (Fats, Oils and Grease) management for UK Water and Sewerage companies to control discharge from Food Service Establishments and domestic properties, 2017 – 2019. https://ukwir.org/fog-control-and-fog-collection-a-joined-up-approach-1
  8. Completed: Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Project: On the Right Track. Bring together engineers from research, industry and academia with school children, teachers and the wider community, focusing on the rebuild of Dundee Railway Station. Role: Project Manager. 2015 – 2017. https://www.abertay.ac.uk/visit/community-and-public-engagement/royal-academy-of-engineering-ingenious/
  9. Completed; Arborflow Water Quality, Quantity and Tree Health Monitoring in collaboration with Green Blue URBAN and Dundee City Council. The first installation of a novel SUDS tree pit, integrated surface water strategy for a retrofit leisure centre car park. PI: regular reporting for a long-term water quality, quantity and tree health monitoring programme including long-term management recommendations. 2012 - 2017
  10. Completed; Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW): PI: Design and build guidance for SRDP related Rural Sustainable Drainage systems (RSuDS). Literature review, selection tool, example design drawings, long-term management, stakeholder workshops 2015-2016. http://www.crew.ac.uk/publication/rural-sustainable-drainage-systems-practical-design-and-build-guide-scotlands-farmers
  11. Completed; Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW): How do we increase public understanding of the benefits provided by water? PI: Schools public outreach – key objective to raise awareness of the Hydro Nation agenda and twofold scope: explain the urban water cycle; and promote awareness and understanding of local SUDS and related benefits. 2014-2015. http://www.crew.ac.uk/sites/www.crew.ac.uk/files/publications/CREW_benefitsofSUDS.pdf
  12. Completed; Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW): Co-Investigator: innovative solutions inventory, stakeholder workshops and DST for sustainable drinking water treatment at small to medium scales. 2015. http://www.crew.ac.uk/publication/innovative-solutions-sustainable-drinking-water-treatment-small-medium-scales
  13. Completed; E2Stormed: Improvement of energy efficiency in the water cycle by the use of innovative stormwater management in smart Mediterranean cities, funded by MED Programme. Co-Investigator: build on the SWITCH Transition Manual and develop new manuals specific to stressed Mediterranean conditions, delivered stakeholder workshops and new manual translated into 6 languages. 2013-2015. http://www.e2stormed.eu/results/
  14. Completed; Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) Scottish Water Resources Map to produce an overview of Scotland’s water sector that demonstrates sector scope and scale and shows how the different parts of the sector link together. The map focuses on the decision making processes that influence, manage and control Scotland’s water resources. High level stakeholder face to face surveys undertaken. 2013-2014.
  15. Completed; Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW): Implementation of Source Control SUDS in Scotland. PI: source control evolution, appraise delivery nationally and internationally, provide recommendations report for the next steps to increase uptake; Online surveys and stakeholder semi-structured interviews provided anecdotal information to add value to stakeholder workshops and ensure robust recommendations. 2013. https://www.crew.ac.uk/publication/source-control-suds-scotland
  1. Completed; TAYplan Strategic Land Use Change 2035-2050 research study in collaboration with Dundee and St Andrew's Universities. TAYPlan is the strategic development authority for Tayside. Outputs: identify and review TAYplan stakeholders (4 local authorities, 13 public agencies) and wider academic / international research to identify knowledge gaps; co-author recommendations report for future research directions http://www.tayplan-sdpa.gov.uk/news/tayplan-strategic-land-use-change-2035-2050-final-report. 2013.
  2. Completed; Scottish Environment Web (SEWeb) website visioning. Co-Investigator: stakeholder engagement workshops for accessing Online Environmental Information to determine how information is accessed by users and how the process could be made easier. Findings used to create a vision for the future development of Scotland's Environment Web. 2012-2013. http://www.environment.scotland.gov.uk/ https://map.environment.gov.scot/sewebmap/
  3. Completed; Supervisor for second Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Scottish Water to transfer knowledge for technical interventions which bring Legacy and orphaned SUDS up to minimum adoptable standards based on CIRIA manuals C521 and C697. 2010 – 2013.
  4. Completed; Member of the transnational INTERREG IVB North Sea Region Programme SKINT WP5 ‘Training the Champions of Change’ team. SKINT was focussed on raising awareness about capacity building. Output - delivered leadership and guidance for gathering and consolidating e-learning experiences. 2008 – 2012.
  5. Completed; Academic Supervisor for Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Scottish Water to transfer knowledge in the areas of SUDS adoption, inspection, long-term management, financial mechanisms and policy / guidance development for Sewers for Scotland 2nd 2008 – 2011.
  6. Completed; EU funded SWITCH Managing Water for the City of the Future Programme, WP1.3 Integrating Innovation into Existing Infrastructure. Principal Investigator: SWITCH ‘Transition Manual’ informs the phases required for transitioning from traditional methods of urban water management towards sustainable urban water management (http://www.switchurbanwater.eu/outputs/pdfs/W1-3_GEN_MAN_D1.3.4_SWITCH_Transition_Manual.pdf). Co-organised several global conferences and workshops. Co-authored SWITCH Final Report. 2008 – 2011. http://www.switchurbanwater.eu/outputs/pdfs/SWITCH_-_Final_Report.pdf
  7. Completed; Academic Supervisor for Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Greenbelt Group (land based owner / manager of green space in the UK). Area of knowledge transferred encompassed SUDS adoption, inspection and long-term management, development of financial mechanisms, data capture. 2006-2008.
  8. Completed; Interreg IIIB ERDF funded Urban Water North West Europe Programme - Sustainable Water Management in Urban Space. PI: spatial plans for retrofit SuDS; Communication document ‘Water Vision for Johnstone’ that informs stakeholders and the public of existing water related issues and the potential solutions and benefits provided by integrated urban water management practices. 2005 – 2008.
  9. Completed; UKWIR / WERF funded trans disciplinary Project that delivered the ‘Post Project Monitoring of BMPs/SUDS to Determine Performance and Whole Life Costs’ Co-Investigator - delivery of actual data to inform the report in the area of SUDS inspections, maintenance analysis, performance monitoring, capital / operational costs and public awareness. 2003-2005.
  10. Completed; SUDS Manual C697 2007. Principal Investigator for Chapter 24: public perception, engagement and health and safety issues. 2002 – 2004.
  11. Completed; Catchment monitoring at the Dunfermline Eastern Expansion (DEX) funded by Taylor Wimpey. Water quality, technical inspections, maintenance activity review, WLC analysis and reporting. 2000-2008.
  12. Completed; SUDS Co-ordinator. Seconded to SEPA to role out the dissemination of SUDS best practice to SEPA staff and professionals in the field. 2000 – 2001.

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  1. Member SGIF – Scottish Green Infrastructure Forum 2017 - ongoing
  2. Member SUGIR – Scottish Universities GI Research Group 2016 - ongoing
  3. RSPB Scotland Volunteer. 2016 - ongoing
  4. CIRIA RP1028 Update of SuDS Construction Guidance Project Advisory Group. 2015 – 2016
  5. Member Broughty Ferry Beach Management Group. 2015- ongoing
  6. STEM Ambassador Abertay University at Dundee / Fife Science Festivals. 2014- ongoing
  7. Referee IJSHE (International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education). 2014 – ongoing
  8. CIRIA RP992 SuDS Manual Project Advisory Group 2013 - 2015.
  9. Referee ICE Journal Water Management 2013 – ongoing.
  10. Referee IWA Journal Hydrology Research 2012 – ongoing.
  11. Member IWA City of the Future Transitioning subject group: 2011 – ongoing.
  12. Expert Advisor Mill O’ Mains and Whitfield Community Groups: 2011 – ongoing.
  13. IWA International Scientific Committee: 11 ICUD 2008 and 12 ICUD 2011.
  14. Referee IWA Journal of Water Science and Technology: 2008 – ongoing.
  15. Member Ardler Physical Environment Group: 2005 – ongoing.
  16. Member DEX Community Engagement Group: 2002 – 2004.

Knowledge Exchange

1. Inspection and monitoring of SUDS, SUDS maintenance cost data analysis and SUDS hydrological and water quality performance analysis. Two main organisations that contract this work are Taylor Wimpey plc (international housing and development group) and Bear Scotland (designer, managers and maintainers of Scotland’s roads infrastructure). 2000 – ongoing.
2. Completed; Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW): How do we increase public understanding of the benefits provided by water? Principal Investigator: Schools public outreach project – the key objective was to raising awareness of the Hydro Nation agenda and the scope twofold: to explain the urban water cycle; and to promote awareness and understanding of local SUDS and related benefits. 2014-2015. http://www.crew.ac.uk/sites/www.crew.ac.uk/files/publications/CREW_benefitsofSUDS.pdf
3. Completed; LoCal-Net - Helping Scottish SMEs overcome barriers to innovation and engage in R&D to deliver new carbon saving products, processes and services. Co-ordinated 2 networks - Water Innovation and Low Carbon Construction. 2010- 2015. http://localnet.abertay.ac.uk/ 
4. Completed; Glasgow City Council Surface Water Management Plan in collaboration with MWH Global. Output - identified opportunities for SUDS and a programme of implementation including WLC / benefit analysis and maintenance schedules. This was a flagship project for Glasgow City which assists fulfilment of Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Plan objectives such as flood risk reduction, habitat and water quality improvement and integrated investment planning. 2013.
5. Completed; Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Surface Water Management Strategy. Costing and Benefits Budgeting Tool in collaboration with MWH Global. Output – collated construction and maintenance cost data from existing SUDS schemes to develop a tool that delivered generic capital and long-term operational costs to support DCWWs PR14 submission to OFWAT. 2012-2013.
6. Completed; Scottish Environment Web (SEWeb) website visioning. Co-Investigator: stakeholder engagement workshops for accessing Online Environmental Information to determine how this information was accessed by different users and how the process could be made easier. Findings were used to create a vision for the future development of Scotland's Environment Web. 2012-2013. http://www.environment.scotland.gov.uk/ 
7. Completed; TAYplan Strategic Land Use Change 2035-2050 research study in collaboration with Dundee and St Andrew's Universities. TAYPlan is the strategic development authority for Tayside. Output 1/ - identified and reviewed TAYplan stakeholder (a collaboration of 4 local authorities and 13 public agencies) and wider academic / international research to identify gaps in knowledge. Output 2/ co-authored a final recommendations report for the future direction of research http://www.tayplan-sdpa.gov.uk/news/tayplan-strategic-land-use-change-2035-2050-final-report. 2013.
8. Completed; Supervisor for second Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Scottish Water to transfer knowledge for technical interventions which bring Legacy and orphaned SUDS up to minimum adoptable standards based on CIRIA manuals C521 and C697. 2010 – 2013.
9. Completed; Academic Supervisor for Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Scottish Water to transfer knowledge in the areas of SUDS adoption, inspection, long-term management, financial mechanisms and policy / guidance development for Sewers for Scotland 2nd Edition. 2008 – 2011.
10. Completed; Academic Supervisor for Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Greenbelt Group (land based owner / manager of green space in the UK). Area of knowledge transferred encompassed SUDS adoption, inspection and long-term management, development of financial mechanisms, data capture. 2006-2008.
11. Waste Water Treatment Works Asset Management - Dundee, Fort William, Moray Coast and Inverness for Catchment Tay Ltd / Veolia Water. 2012 – ongoing.
12. Technical reviewer for the Metropolitan of Glasgow Strategic Drainage Plan. 2008 – 2009.



  • FiFe Science Festival - On the Right Track: Engineering and Education for All. Interactive and fun activities.
  • Dundee Science Festival - SUDS and Water - amenity, flood and pollution benefits
  • Urban water and SUDS roadshow to primary schools in the Dundee area
  • Member of the Ardler Physical Environment Group (green infrastructure including SUDS performance / management etc.)
  • Member of DEX Community Engagement Group organised by Fife Council / SEPA
  • Invited guest to speak about SUDS to Whitfiled, Mill O' Mains and Clatto Community Groups in Dundee
  • Public perception surveys of SUDS in Dundee, Dunfermline, Brighton, Bournemouth, Worcester, Clayton le Woods, Kirkby, Emmerson's Green.

Meet the rest of the team

Dr Jonathan Wilkin

Dr Jonathan Wilkin

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Reader in Food Innovation & Knowledge Exchange

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Professor Daniel Gilmour

Professor Daniel Gilmour

Department of Built Environment and Life Sciences | Professor of Sustainability Assessment and Enhancement

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