I am a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics with a particular interest in Solar Physics. I am a module leader and lecturer for several undergraduate Applied Mathematics courses (e.g. MAT201 and MAT301) in the Computer Games Technology program at Abertay University. I also contribute to mathematical components of other taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules. I completed my undergraduate MPhys degree in Theoretical Physics from the University of York, followed by a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of St Andrews. Prior to joining Abertay in 2020, I spent approximately 8 years as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of St Andrews in Solar and Magnetospheric Theory.
MAT201 Applied Mathematics 2
MAT301 Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
I also supervise Hons and MSc projects in the areas of: Fluid Modelling and Dynamical Systems Modelling
The focus of my research is in the design, implementation and analysis of mathematical models of plasma physics phenomenon in the solar atmosphere. My research interests are magnetohydrodynamics (or indeed fluid models more broadly), particle acceleration and solar observational data analysis.
I have supported and given talks at several public outreach events: audiences include primary school students (for example during local primary school visits during solar eclipses/planetary transits or being invited to talk to P3 pupils about ``the size of the Sun'' at a local Primary School) and secondary school students (e.g. during Summer Schools) as well as the wider public at the Fife and/or Dundee Science Festivals. I have even undertaken "Maths busking" events and public talks in support of Maths Week Scotland.
+44 (0)1382 30 8662