Euan Dempster BSc Hons, PhD, PG-Cert Ed. A graduate in Computer Science from the Heriot-Watt University, I gained my doctorate in the field of performance prediction in parallel databases. I started my academic life late after careers in the merchant navy and as a boiler commissioning engineer. I joined the School of Arts, Media and Computer Games at the University of Abertay in 2006.
I am the programme tutor for the MSc in Computer Games Technology. Teaching responsibilities lie in the School of Design and Informatics and focus on the development of inter-disciplinary teams and the integration of professional skills, attitudes and practices into undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and learning.
My principal research interests lie in development, design, production and management within the creative industries.
Was external examiner at Southampton Solent University (2008-2014).
Just completed 4 year stint as external examiner for a suite of programmes run in Singapore for Oxford Brookes University
+44 (0)1382 30 8459