Rachel Simpson

Composer and Sound Designer

Rachel Simpson

Hello! I'm Rachel, an experienced composer and sound designer living in Dundee in Scotland with over 15 years in game development. I've worked across 3 console generations, PC and mobile, on titles such as Guitar Hero, The Sims Social and LEGO VIDIYO. I hold a BMus in pop music from Goldsmiths University, London and a HND diploma in jazz music from Chichester College and this musical background strongly influences my work. I'm also a performing and recording musician; I have recorded on a number of Scottish Album of the Year nominated albums and have performed at many venues and festivals across the UK including Glastonbury and live sessions for BBC 6Music and Quay Sessions.

Profile photo of composer and dare mentor, Rachel Simpson

Dare Academy 2023 is proudly sponsored by Fuse Games, Chrome, Epic Games, Lindsays and Henderson Loggie.

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