Employment and Careers Help for Student Carers

Employment and Careers for student carers

Our Careers Service help prepare students for life after university (especially Graduate employment).

Specifically, they'll help you to develop your personal, learning and employability skills: crucial for finding a graduate job. Plus they can support you for up to three years after you have left.

They hold a percentage of work placements and employment opportunities just for student carers (and other disadvantaged students). 

We also try an arrange some work placements or employment opportunities that are based on working from home, or have flexible working hours.

Careers also promote graduate job vacancies, summer roles, placements, projects, internships and lots of other ways to develop work-related skills and to connect and with employers.

The Careers Service ensures every student carer can get advice and input on their graduate CV, or the opportunity of a one-to-one consultation to explore their own career plans and help clarify their options post-graduation.  

How to contact the Careers Service

Contact details - the usual info or do they need something specific for carers?

Academic: MySuccess modules

All new, first and second year students at Abertay study four short online modules: these are called micro-credentials or MySuccess modules.  

These modules help you gain knowledge, skills and attributes important for your personal development, and complement your main degree. These are small online modules worth 5 credits each, and there are 16 to choose from.

The ones we think would really help student carers are: 

  • Planning your career.

  • Well-being tricks and tools.

  • The future in work.

Find out more about MySuccess modules.

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