Employer Engagement
Abertay Careers Service

Providing an accessible career service that links employers with skilled students and graduates from Abertay.

Connecting employers with students

We offer a user-friendly career service, connecting employers like you with talented students and graduates. Select a link to find out more.

Can't find what you're looking for, or want more information? Please contact us.

A real credit to Abertay...The experience was very positive for both sides. 2024 Work Placement Employer

Why connect with Abertay?

Our students are highly motivated, enthusiastic, and eager to develop their workplace expertise.

They come from a wide range of backgrounds, offering employers like you many different skills and experiences. They're actively encouraged to gain work experience - such as work placements or internships - to improve their employability after graduation. 

Nearly all of our undergraduate degrees feature work placements, internships, mentors or other kinds of industry experience. 

If you have an opportunity to offer our students, or want talk about other types of work-related activities, please get in touch

Pic of students for MSc AI-UX

Work Placements

Work placements are a 'win-win' situation for both you and the student. Many employers find our students so useful that they offer them full-time employment after graduation or a part-time/summer job. 

The timescale of work placements varies from one day a week to short-term full-time work for weeks or months. You don't need to pay them. We just need a short report at the end of the placement.

If you have a project or placement opportunity you would like to offer, please contact us

I want to praise the students as they were a credit to themselves and the university. 2023 Work Placement Employer
Two females working together

Employ an intern

Internships are a period of work experience, usually offered for a fixed timescale like a month.

They are generally completed over the summer break, typically between the second-third year and third-fourth year, or just after graduation. Some internships are paid, some are not.

If you have an internship opportunity, or want to know more about our students, please contact us by email - careers@abertay.ac.uk.

3 people working using paper and a laptop

Become a mentor

Each year we run a careers mentoring programme.

It is designed to help students improve their personal and professional skills, and prepare them for the world of work. Participants are matched to mentors based on their course and career interests. The programme runs for six months, from November to May.

If you would like to get involved as a mentor or just find out more, please contact careermentoring@abertay.ac.uk.

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about mentoring. 2024 Mentor

Graduate job schemes

Ready to train and hire highly-skilled and eager graduates?

Abertay graduates are work-ready and want to join ambitious companies looking for new talent. They thrive in fast-paced environments, will raise your company's profile, and become a valued part of your work force.

To advertise your Graduate Scheme with us, please register/log in to Abertay Connect or email careers@abertay.ac.uk.

This student operated in a very professional manner...It has been a pleasure to work with this student and we will maintain contact for the future.  2024 Work Placement Employer

Join our Careers and Volunteering Fairs

Join our Careers and Volunteering Fairs and connect with our students.

You can discuss volunteer positions, internships/graduate positions and discover new talent at the same time. There are many ways to join us. For instance, charitable organisations promote volunteering opportunities, and businesses promote graduate vacancies.

Your input in lectures, talks, and workshops is also valuable way to introduce students to your organisation and the world of work. It's a great way to raise your organisation's profile within the student community. 

They take place every September and March. They give you a way to meet face to face with our enthusiastic and work-ready students.

Contact us at careers@abertay.ac.uk to find out more.

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