Current students

Find out how we can develop your employability, support your career plans, and help you to become work-ready while you study.

Develop your career

Select a link to find out more about how to improve your employability.

If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us.

Abertay has an excellent Careers Service, they are always willing to help.  Current Abertay student, 2024
3 people working using paper and a laptop
Abertay Careers Centre advisor listening to student

Abertay Careers Centre

The Abertay Career Centre provides a comprehensive range of career and employability resources.  

  • Home – explore online career resources.

  • Jobs – search the Abertay jobs board for part-time jobs, internships and graduate job vacancies.

  • Advice - about the careers team, and helpful information such as industry reports.

  • Assessments - check out your preferences/values in relation to your future career.

  • Tools – use CV360 for instant CV feedback and Interview360 to practice interview questions.

  • Events and Appointments - book one-to-one appointments with your careers adviser and register for career events/workshops.

  • Career Programmes – all about our career programmes.

Start using the Abertay Career Centre today. Use the Toolbar at the top to navigate your way around.

Work placements

Most of our undergraduate courses offer built-in work placements, mentoring, industry experience, or all three.

You'll take part in real work projects, develop your professional skills, and network at the same time. This experience, along with any volunteering work you choose to do, really enhances your CV. 

Work placements give you insight into the practical aspects of your subject, and help you learn how to put theory into practice. They also make you aware of the variety of opportunities available in your chosen field.

Placements are usually credit bearing.

Choosing a work placement means you get a taste of working in your field and gain credits at the same time.

Find out more about your course and work placements

Two students leaning on metal railings
My placement was a very positive experience. I want to highlight the help we had from the university and the catch-up meetings to cover any issues. This made me feel supported and secure throughout my experience. Work Placement Student, 2023

One-to-one appointments

We help discuss your career choices, give you support with your CV, cover letters, application forms, personal statements, and also do interview preparation.

Appointments are on campus or online, last 30 minutes and are confidential. Please Check which adviser looks after your area of study before booking an appointment.

Book an appointment with a careers adviser  

The career team supported me with all of my doubts and questions, and they gave me a broader perspective (about) my area of interest. Abertay Student, 2024
Two females working together
Career programmes

Career programmes

To develop your employability, we offer co-curricular and extra-curricular programmes, workshops and activities to help cultivate your work skills during your time here at Abertay.

Find out more about our career programmes  

This experience has helped me to structure my career goals and I now have a clear plan of what I want to do. Abertay Graduate, 2024

Graduate job schemes

Many large organisations operate graduate job schemes which offer structured training programmes. They typically last between one or two years, and can lead to a job in the organisation on completion.

When should I start looking for graduate job schemes?

Graduate scheme applications usually open September to December. So if you’re in your final year, it pays to begin looking at the start of term. 

Visit the Abertay Careers Centre to find out more about graduate schemes  

Three people sitting on sofas talking


Being an intern helps you develop relevant skills in your chosen industry and often provides a useful network of contacts.

They are a fixed period of work experience, such as a month or a year. You'll usually work over the summer, typically between years three to four, or after graduation. You may get paid as well (but not always).

When should I start looking for an internship?

Many organisations advertise internships at the start of the academic year, roughly from September to December. So if you're in year three or four, we recommend that you begin your search as early as possible.

Visit the Abertay Careers Centre to find out more about internships

Connect with a mentor

Each year we run a careers mentoring programme.

Participants are matched to mentors based on their course and career interests. Mentors will help you improve your personal and professional skills, and prepare you for the world of work. 

The mentoring programme runs for six months, from November to May.

If you would like to get involved or find out more, please contact

My overall experience of the mentoring scheme was fantastic. I couldn't recommend it more. 2024 student participant
Career workshops and events 

Career workshops and events 

Career workshops and events run throughout the academic year and cover all kinds of career-related topics. They are delivered by the careers team, visiting employers and external employment experts.

Visit the Abertay Careers Centre to find out more about career workshops and events  

Absolutely brilliant, I would recommend this to anybody. Abertay Student, 2024

Start your own business/work for yourself

Find out how to work for yourself or start your own business. We can help if you want to make a million or make a living.

Bell Street Ventures can help you start your own business, learn about contracting or freelancing or find out how to go about working for yourself. 

We work with enterprising students and recent graduates like you to help you make your work for yourself plans happen. We've had many successful businesses start right here at Abertay so come and talk to us if that's something that interests you.

Visit Bell Street Ventures to find out more  

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