Abertay cyberQuarter creates new home for cybersecurity innovation and research

Scotland's new home for cybersecurity research, innovation, and industry growth, Abertay cyberQuarter, officially opened at Abertay University on the 15th June, 2022.

The £18m hub in Abertay University's Annie Lamont Building has been jointly funded by the University and the UK Government (£5.7m) and Scottish Government (£6m) through the Tay Cities Region Deal, providing a new model for supporting the rapidly growing cyber sector in a facility that's the first of its kind in the country.


Research Excellence Framework shows Abertay University's real-world impact

Work to change human trafficking laws, evidence that contributed to repeal of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act, a project to increase the value of the Scottish video games industry and the creation of the world’s first ‘climate positive’ gin, are among the impactful research projects highlighted in Abertay University’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 outcomes. 

The REF is the UK higher education sector’s barometer for research quality, and while it does not rank universities the data produced is used within the sector and in the media to benchmark research performance. 


Abertay lecturer wins UK-wide Institute of Civil Engineering accolade

Abertay University’s Dr Rebecca Wade has won the UK-wide Institution of Civil Engineers' (ICE) 2022 STEM Ambassador of the Year award. 

Dr Wade, a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science in the Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences, impressed the judges with her commitment to inspiring and innovatively engaging the next generation of civil engineers. She was particularly praised for the outstanding level of enthusiasm she brings to everything, especially in her volunteer work including school visits and talks where she encourages young people to consider civil engineering as a career.  


Dr Hadi Mehrpouya receives funding as part of RSE's Research Awards programme.

A lecturer in Abertay’s Faculty of Design, Informatics and Business, has been awarded £58,000 from the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) to undertake research into how the rights and wellbeing of video game players can be protected by game designers and policymakers. 

Dr Mehrpouya said: “I’m absolutely delighted to be awarded this funding from the RSE and for my research to be recognised alongside such impressive projects. Video games and players are changing rapidly and the line between game worlds and ‘real worlds’ is becoming blurred.   


Abertay Digital Graduate Show

Abertay Digital Graduate Show was back on campus for 2022!

This show of final year student projects from the School of Design and Informatics had everything from animation, emergent tech and concept art to serious games, 3D modelling and character rigging.

Supported by our fantastic gold sponsors - Ninja Kiwi EuropeOutplay Entertainment and Team Terrible Games it was open to the public 12pm to 4pm on Friday 27 May.


Abertay appoints Professor Alastair Irons as Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Professor Irons joins Abertay from the University of Sunderland where he is currently Professor of Computer Science and Academic Director for Digital Education.

Taking up post in July 2022, he will bring a broad range of experience across teaching, research, knowledge exchange and innovation, in addition to expertise forged through working in industry and projects around pedagogy, transnational/international education and online learning.


Project investigates impact of traditional boxing training techniques

Two of Scotland’s most successful boxers are working with Abertay University sports scientists on new fitness and performance analysis techniques with the potential to improve the sport’s traditional training regimes.

World Boxing Association (WBA) and International Boxing Organisation (IBO) double-title holder, Hannah Rankin and World Boxing Council (WBC) silver title holder, Dean Sutherland are both taking part in research projects that aim to improve their individual training programmes, while also exploring, for the first time, the impacts that pad work, bag work and sparring can have on boxers’ bodies.


Abertay achieves QAA's highest rating for academic standard and teaching quality

Abertay University has ‘fully effective arrangements for managing academic standards and the student learning experience’, according to a new review conducted by the QAA, the UK’s independent higher education quality body. The review commended the University’s achievements in several areas including student partnership and the creation of an inclusive and accessible learning environment.

The review was undertaken by a team of six independent reviewers, who were appointed by QAA. The review took place through a Planning Visit in October 2021, followed by a Review Visit in November and December 2021.


Abertay and Police Scotland launch new sports integrity programme

Abertay University has teamed up with Police Scotland and Scotland’s Serious Organised Crime Task Force to deliver an innovative sports integrity programme – The Fix.

The programme – presented by club coaches and anyone involved in the coaching of young people - warns and advises young elite athletes of the dangers posed by serious organised criminals, high-profile social media as well as match fixing and gambling.

It also highlights the potentially negative and adverse influence these factors could have on their wellbeing as well as their future participation, or career, in their chosen sport.


Competitions and Funding

Bell Street Ventures (BSV) is your first point of call if you are interested in the world of self-employment and business startups. The facility is there to help guide you on your journey to starting out and trading with support, networks, and resources to make this as easy as possible. You can find more info about the services on offer through the BSV web page

We also have several grants available for different types and stages of business. Details of these grants can be found below.

If you want to speak to someone about any of these, email our Enterprise Officer at simon.fraser@abertay.ac.uk

Enterprise Grant - Northwood Charitable Funded Trusts

The funds support students and graduates to establish themselves as freelancers and/or to become self-employed.

These micro grants will help with the practical costs in the early stages of business setup.

Grants are available up to £500.

Open to current students and graduates up to 2 years post-graduation.

Applications can be made here

Enterprise Bursary - Santander Universities Network Bursaries

The bursaries support students and graduates to start, develop and grow a business concept.

These grants will help with the costs to develop the business proposition.

Grants are available up to £2,000.

Open to current students and graduates up to 2 years post-graduation.

Applications can be made here

Social Enterprise Bursary - supported by McLaughlin Harvey

This grant supports Abertay students, staff and researchers that are interested in setting up, or working in, social and environmental businesses.

Grants are available up to £500.

Open to current students and graduates up to 5 years post-graduation.

Applications can be made here

Social Shifters

Abertay University has teamed up with Social Shifters - empowering you to explore, start, and grow your ideas. Whether you want to solve a local or global problem, these resources will enable you to explore, test, and grow your ideas so you can make a difference.

Get FREE access to specialist digital learning resources and for those ready to take the next steps, we provide one-to-one on campus (physical and virtual) start-up advice.


We've updated our Alumni and Supporters page!

We've made some changes and added new content to our Alumni and Supporters pages - come and have a look!

  • We've added updated profiles
  • Included a section on all the benefits and services you currently receive being an alumni of the University
  • Added the opportunity to share your story with us and tell us what you're up to
  • We've also made sure you can catch up on any editions of Communitay you may have missed

Alumni and Supporters

Share Your Story!

We'd love to find out what you've been up to since your time at Abertay. We also want to keep inspiring our future and current students and we'd love YOU to help us!

It'd be great to hear about your time at Abertay, what advice you'd give to future students, and what you're up to now.

Share Your Story Here

Until next time, Abertay

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