Community Highlights

Diversity award completes trio of accolades for Abertay

Abertay University has been awarded a national Diversity award, completing a trio of accolades in recent months.

The University was awarded the Diversity in the Public Sector award at the 2021 Herald Diversity Awards in October, recognising a commitment to continuous work to improve equality, diversity and inclusion.

University Secretary Sheena Stewart said: “We believe strongly in providing a welcoming, tolerant and inclusive environment for all those who choose to come here for work, study or as a visitor."

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Triple success for Abertay at TIGA UK Games Education Awards

Abertay University enjoyed staff, student and research successes at the TIGA UK Games Education Awards.

The event from the UK videogames industry body saw three awards go to the University and three Abertay students recognised for their work, across a broad cross-section of areas related to the games sector.

Dean of School of Design and Informatics Gregor White said: “It’s always pleasing when the dedication and drive of the School is recognised externally, but for such important projects to receive national accolades is real testament to the ability and dedication that’s been put in across the board."

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Double success for Abertay at 2021 Scottish Cyber Awards

Abertay University enjoyed double success at the 2021 Scottish Cyber Awards with awards going to a key academic staff member and a recent graduate.

Colin McLean, who has been integral in building Abertay’s reputation as a pioneer in the field of Ethical Hacking, was named Cyber Educator of the year, while alum Sarah Cunningham was named Outstanding Woman in Cyber.

Dr Natalie Coull, Head of the Division of Cybersecurity Division said: "Colin is an essential member of Abertay's academic team and he has played a key role in building our Ethical Hacking programme and, in turn, forging the University's international reputation for excellence in the field of cybersecurity. His award is hugely deserved."
“Sarah was an outstanding student during her time with us at Abertay and I’m really pleased she’s achieved this industry-recognition so early in her career. I have no doubt she will continue on to even bigger and better things.”


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Abertay Graduate Gemma Lumsdaine continues to set her sights high

BA (Hons) Sports Development and Coaching Graduate Gemma Lumsdaine is a member of the GB wheelchair rugby talent squad and true ambassador for disability sport.

To highlight this year's Disability Awareness Month, we caught up with Gemma to reflect on her time at Abertay and what she is working towards achieving in the future. 

In 2017, she was selected to work with the Minister for Public Health and Sport, Aileen Campbell on the Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Advisory Board, helping to develop strategies to overcome the key barriers women face within the sector.

Gemma says "I don’t want to settle for where I am... anyone who knows me knows how much I’ve grown”.


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Abertay to name building in honour of political activist Annie Lamont

The work of a pioneering Dundee politician and activist is being celebrated by Abertay University today marking the 100th anniversary of a remarkable ‘letter to the future’ written for a 1921 time capsule.

Annie K Lamont studied Telegraphy and Telephony - the early precursor to information technology - at Dundee Technical Institute (now Abertay University) in 1904 and went on to become a trailblazer for women in politics in the city.

Next year, the institution’s ‘cyberQuarter’ cybersecurity hub, including a new campus social space, will be named the Annie Lamont Building in her honour.

Dr Natalie Coull, Head of the Division of Cybersecurity at Abertay University said: “It is a truly fitting tribute to the legacy of Annie Lamont that we should be naming our new cyberQuarter hub in her honour. Encouraging more women to take up careers in the tech sector is an important area of work for the University and I hope that Annie’s achievements, both in academic and political terms, can become a source of inspiration for others.”


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First in Scotland to be accredited by Strength and Conditioning Industry body

Abertay University’s BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning degree has become the first course of its kind in Scotland to be accredited by an industry body.

The International Universities Strength and Conditioning Association (IUSCA) has recognised our course as providing all the skills needed to allow graduates to thrive in this growing sector.

IUSCA put Abertay through its evaluation service to ensure the course would equip graduates for the skills they need to go direct into industry.

Abertay’s Strength and Conditioning degree enables students to utilise scientific thinking in a variety of contexts and provides a breadth and depth of knowledge of S&C as well as experience working as a practitioner.

Upon graduation students are able to apply for personal accreditation with IUSCA to show they developed their skills on an accredited course

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Abertay University graduates secure top jobs in Chinese games industry

A pair of international students from Abertay University have secured jobs with two of China’s leading video games developers.

Tiyanu Ma and Nathan Zeng (pictured above) studied Abertay’s Professional Masters in Games Development with a view to breaking into China’s huge video games design sector.

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Lowdown from the Campus 

Abertay launches Student Success Officers thanks to Northwood Charitable Trust
Abertay students are to receive personalised peer-to-peer support and advice as part of a new Student Success Officer initiative.

Research reveals new faces are more appealing to online daters
New research from Abertay University has found treating online dating like online shopping may lead people to find new potential partners more attractive than familiar options.

Scottish Videogame Makers Challenged to Design Healthier Neighbourhoods and Tackle Obesity
A £50,000 prize is up for grabs for Scottish videogame designers who can use their skills to test new approaches to increasing access to healthy food.

Student with Ulcerative Colitis to make Scottish Cycling Hour Record attempt for charity
A student from Abertay University in Dundee will attempt to break the Scottish Cycling Hour Record as part of a charity bid for Crohn's & Colitis UK.

Rebecca Wade shares insights on COP26
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science, Dr Rebecca Wade, has written a column outlining her thoughts and hopes for climate action following COP26 in Glasgow this month.

Dr Ken Scott-Brown interviewed on FinTech podcast
Senior Lecturer in Psychology Dr Ken Scott-Brown is featured on a new episode of The FinTech Feed, a podcast series from consulting firm Hymans Robertson. In the episode, Advice Conversations, Ken discusses the use of computer display technology, animation and Psychology in the context of financial advice.

Video games inspired by Tay Whale sculpture to light up Dundee Waterfront
New video games created by academics and recent graduates from Abertay University will bring a multi-generational gaming experience to the heart of Dundee’s new Whale Song Park.

Abertay solar panels project boosts sustainability goal
Abertay University has switched on a new bank of roof-mounted solar panels that will generate more than 60,000 kilowatt hours of carbon-free electricity every year.

Events and Opportunities

Graduate Career Advantage Scotland

How is life after university? Are you where you hoped you'd be?

The GCAS Talent Pool is a new government-funded initiative which supports recent graduates living in Scotland to find rewarding employment. They are offering careers support and access to high-quality paid internships by collaborating with employers, universities, and other key agencies. 

Apply to join their Talent Pool today (you'll hear back from them within 3 working days). You will gain exclusive access to graduate internships including regular updates about new and upcoming opportunities direct to your inbox, careers advice and support, and you can opt in to more.

Visit the GCAS website to check eligibility and apply.  

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Festive Fundraising

If you're planning to shop online for Christmas cards and gifts this year, we'd really appreciate your involvement in our fundraising initiatives helping to raise money in support of assisting Abertay students through our partnership with Amazon.

  • Log into AmazonSmile and donate a percentage of what you spend via Amazon. (Campaign finished.)

  • Buy your personalised Christmas cards or ecards from our online shop. (Campaign finished.)

You may not notice the difference, but our students certainly will.

Explore all the ways to fundraise for Abertay

Until next time,

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