Sara Naveed

Sara took full advantage of all the sporting activities on offer at Abertay

Through my degree at Abertay, I've been fortunate to have had lots of opportunities to volunteer in Dundee, gaining hands-on experience through work placements and internships. This helped me to put academic theory into practice, building key skills for the future and building my confidence.
Sara Naveed | Abertay University | BSc (Hons) Sports Development and Coaching

Sara's passion for sports was a perfect fit for Abertay, and she quickly immersed herself in the various sporting activities on offer. Her enthusiasm was soon channelled into basketball, where she discovered a new passion.

As a member of the University's women’s team, Sara has been instrumental in the club's success, with membership numbers increasing significantly over the past few years. Under her watch, the team has made great progress, attracting talented players from across the squad last year and performing well in the local Varsity against the University of Dundee.

Throughout her time at the university, Sara also dedicated herself to volunteering and coaching at several sports organisations in Dundee, which not only enriched her academic experience but also provided valuable skills for her future career.

She said:

Beyond the practical benefits, volunteering has also given me a deeper appreciation for the impact of giving back to the community. I've also established a network of influential contacts in the sports industry, connections that will help me in my future career.

After graduation, Sara aims to pursue a professional netball career. However, her dedication to giving back to the local community is evident through her commitment to continue volunteering with Sport Scotland as a Fit for Girls tutor. She is also collaborating with Amina, Sport Scotland, and Active Schools to develop a basketball program for young BAME girls, encouraging them to participate in sports.

Sara's career took a significant step forward as she was selected for Pakistan's national netball team's long squad, marking a prestigious opportunity to represent the country at the Asian Cup in Saudi Arabia in October. This achievement follows her impressive performance at the Pakistan Fast Five National Championships in Islamabad where she made her international debut as a netball athlete. Notably, Sara's team secured a historic 1st place finish, becoming the first British Pakistani team to claim the prestigious title.

In addition to her on-court success, Sara has also made a name for herself as a leader in the sports community. She recently took centre stage at the Scottish Student Sport Conference, leading the "Journey of Young Sporting Leaders" session. There, she shared her inspiring story with young sporting leaders, detailing her journey as a sports student at Abertay, her selection for Pakistan's national netball team, and her community work in Dundee.

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