Callum Leonard

Callum's unwavering determination has allowed him to push through health struggles and achieve great things at Abertay.

The support system at Abertay played a crucial role in helping me cope with my health challenges. The University's tutors and academic staff were understanding and supportive, providing guidance and encouragement when I needed it most.
Callum Leonard | Abertay University | BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking

Callum's path to university was not the traditional one. Leaving school in 4th year due to health issues, he found himself without qualifications and uncertain about his future. However, instead of letting his circumstances define him, Callum took the reins and determined to turn his life around.

Through various college courses, Callum was able to regain his confidence and develop essential skills. This experience not only helped him get back on track academically but also instilled in him valuable lessons about perseverance and adaptability. As he excelled in college, Callum knew that the next step was university, and he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

When Callum applied to Abertay, he was drawn to its reputation as the first institution in the world to offer an Ethical Hacking degree. The course content, which covered a wide range of modern topics in cybersecurity, was extensive. The University's recognition from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and GCHQ further solidified its reputation in the field of cybersecurity. 

During his time at Abertay, Callum faced several personal challenges that tested his resolve. Unfortunately, he experienced multiple bereavements, including the loss of his father. These setbacks could have easily derailed his academic progress, but Callum chose to channel his emotions into his studies and push through the difficulties.

Callum said:

Instead of letting my circumstances define me, I chose to take control and turn my life around. It's not about where you start, it's about where you're headed. The sense of community among students and staff at Abertay helped me to feel less isolated and more motivated to succeed.

Despite his setbacks, Callum is proud to be graduating with a first class Honours degree. After the ceremony, Callum plans to pursue wildlife photography and conservation to maintain his mental health. This hobby has been a source of comfort during stressful periods, allowing him to unwind and reset before diving back into work.

Ultimately, he aims to start a graduate job as a pen tester, where he'll utilise his skills to simulate real-world cyberattacks and uncover hidden vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and infrastructure. By doing so, he aims to use the knowledge gained at Abertay to make a positive impact on the world, helping organisations strengthen their digital defences and safeguard their assets.

View the BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking course

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