

Abertay University Men’s Football Club has achieved huge success in 2015/16 they reached the pinnacle of Scottish University football winning the BUCS 1A title. In the 2016/17 season the team reached the final of the historic Queens Pak Shield and they consistently get the better of main rivals Dundee University in league, cup and Varsity. A successful season last year saw the team finishing mid table in a competitive league . The Men’s 2nd team brought home silverware in 2021/22, winning the BUCS 4B title and earning promotion into tier 3. The club have also supported a men’s 3rd team who, narrowly missed out on a cup semi-final in 2023/24, competing in BUCS alongside an active recreational team.

Woman’s Football is traditionally one of the strongest clubs at Abertay and has enjoyed much success in the past. In 2017/18 the team earned a historic treble, winning the league title, Conference Cup and Varsity beating main rivals Dundee University in each. The 2024/25 season will see the ladies looking to progress in both the cub and league.

Find out how to join by contacting the committee members.

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