Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Network

SUDSnet is co-ordinated by Abertay University and Coventry University. 

SUDSnet was established by an EPSRC Network Grant in 2004 and has been self-sustaining since 2007.


Welcome to the SUDSnet Web pages

SUDSnet is an international network for researchers, practitioners, agencies, developers and all those who are interested in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.

Retention Pond

About SUDSnet

Coventry University and Urban Water Technology Centre at Abertay University.

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News & Events

The latest News & Events from SUDSnet.

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Contact Us

Contact the SUDSnet Co-ordinators.

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SUDSnet Media

Use this site to find information on: SUDS, SUDS-related meetings; Field sites; Academic and Industry links; Current research and more...

Retention Pond in Ardler, Dundee


Please feel free to browse through notes and presentations from SUDSnet conferences and meetings.

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A Swale

SUDS Photos

We have assembled a number of sample photos here to let readers gain an insight into the different SUDS arrangements.

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