Engineering Facilities
Civil and Environmental

Our geotechnical engineering laboratory has state-of-the-art triaxial, direct shear, consolidation and permeability equipment which offers a wide range of sample preparation support tools suitable for aggregates ranging from clay to gravel. For more information and to work with us, please contact

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Our laboratory is also equipped with tools suitable for geo-environmental studies such as carbon sequestration in soil and in-situ soil sampling tools providing support for successful soil sampling field campaigns.

Our unique geology laboratory contains a wide range of minerals and rock types present in the UK and internationally. Detailed bedrock and sediments geological description available in the lab facilities and precise geological studies in national and international scales.

Our structural engineering laboratory covers an extensive material testing laboratory that demonstrates experiments with structural steel, concrete, timber and engineered wood products (EWPs), road materials, etc.

It is also equipped with state-of-the-art experimental apparatus that demonstrates engineering principles though structural elements’ small-scale testing. Structural Engineering analysis software, such as Robot (Autodesk), and Finite Analysis software, such as Abaqus (Simulia), are also available in our modern computer labs, installed with high-spec computers.

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The highway materials lab is well equipped with industry standard testing apparatus allowing experiments to British Standards (BSI) requirements.

The GIS computer lab offers specialist software such as AutoDesk Building Design Suite including Civil3D, Robot structural analysis and Revit to support graphic and engineering drawing portfolios. N4Ce Lite software for processing Land Surveying projects and the US EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to predict the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff. Additionally, Matlab is provided to support project work.

The Public Health laboratory and associated workshops are staffed by experienced well-qualified technicians working in unison with a dedicated research team. The laboratory is a fully equipped environmental chemistry and bioenergy production research facility containing a wide range of analytical and field equipment with a focus on treatment processes and resource recovery technologies for waste, wastewaters (including surface water) and green infrastructure.

For more information and to work with us, please contact

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