DARE Academy

Submit your application below. The closing date for submissions is Friday 30 May 2025 by 23:59.

Judging criteria

Creativity and Originality

We’re looking for games that aren’t simply a rehash of old ideas and well-worn genres, but games that apply insight into design toward new experiences and aesthetics. We want to see games which represent the future of game design, from the young designers and developers who will create that future. We are also keen to see a good understanding of game design issues that you are likely to face and how you have or will overcome them.

Audience Awareness

We’re looking for games that will reach their intended audiences, however you define them. The game should understand who its audience is, and be designed accordingly (even if it’s designed to challenge those audiences!) We are also interested in your thoughts around the business model, revenue streams and how you would market your game to your target audience. How will you create awareness and make it stand out from the crowd?

Viability and Scope

We're looking for teams to demonstrate realistic development plan which includes contingency and demonstrate that they have the appropriate skills to deliver a quality, audience ready - experience at the end of the competition. 

Diversity and Accessibility

We want to see games (and teams) that represent the diversity of the people who play them. We expect inclusive design choices and the consideration of others. These games will be presented to the general public at EGX, so we want to know what considerations will be taken to create accessible design that includes as many people as possible.

Deadline for submitting your application: Friday 30 April 2021, 11.59pm UK time.

NOTE: Please consider saving your application answers on a word document before submitting to avoid any error.

1. The application form must be completed in English.

2. One application per team: please assign one member to complete the application and do not have different team members send in the same or multiple applications. 

3. Your application will not be accepted until the form is fully completed and submitted by pressing the Submit Application button. 

4. We will not accept incomplete application forms.

5. After submitting your application, the team leader should receive an automatic email reply confirming receipt of your application. If you have not received such a reply within 2 hours, please check your spam folder first before contacting Scott Grant on s.grant@abertay.ac.uk. 

Judging criteria:

Creativity and Originality: We’re looking for games that aren’t simply a rehash of old ideas and well-worn genres, but games that apply insight into design toward new experiences and aesthetics. We want to see games which represent the future of game design, from the young designers and developers who will create that future. We are also keen to see a good understanding of game design issues that you are likely to face and how you have or will overcome them.

Audience Awareness: We’re looking for games that will reach their intended audiences, however you define them. The game should understand who its audience is, and be designed accordingly (even if it’s designed to challenge those audiences!) We are also interested in your thoughts around the business model, revenue streams and how you would market your game to your target audience. How will you create awareness and make it stand out from the crowd?

Viability and Scope: We're looking for teams to demonstrate realistic development plan which includes contingency and demonstrate that they have the appropriate skills to deliver a quality, audience ready - experience at the end of the competition. The team must demonstrate consideration on how best to present their game given the online nature of the competition. 

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Game Concept -Please make sure that you cover the Dare criteria when completing your application: 'Creativity/Originality', 'Audience Awareness' and `Viability and Scope' since the selection procedure for entering the competition will look at all three of the criteria.

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Due to the on-going situation with the pandemic, hot-housing will be hosted remotely. If there’s the possibility to accommodate some of the competition on campus we will strive to do so. Would your team require development space?

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Artwork 1
Please enter a  web url link to at least 1 and up to a maximum of 3 pieces of artwork that demonstrate the look and feel of your game.
(Accepted formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf) 

Please note, that all attached artwork MUST be the work of the team applying. Please enter the web url links to the images from a publicly accessible website (ie, a google drive).

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Artwork 2
(Accepted formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf) 


Artwork 3
(Accepted formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf) 


To support your application we request that you create a 2 minute video which will support your application. It is entirely up to you what you put in this video but very much should be used as an opportunity to explain what your game is about, the inspiration behind it and the makeup of your team. This is a blank canvas video where creativity is encouraged. It could look to cover any of the following:  

1. Game Play
2. Game Mechanics
3. Storyline (if any)
4. Unique Selling Point
5. Target Audience & Age Profile
6. Team skills and development process
7. Visuals: artwork, storyboards, design diagrams of core mechanic features of your game to help the judges see what you are developing. 
8. Actual gameplay footage

• The video should be a maximum of 2 minutes long
• Please include a good representation of your team members
• Make sure that your video can be clearly understood

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Terms & Conditions

I / we confirm that all of the IP used to make this game belongs to myself or one of the team members and we have the right to use it.
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I / we confirm that Abertay University has permission to use stills or screen grabs from the game for marketing and promotional purposes
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Yes, all team members have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
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Yes, if we are successful in our application we will attend prescribed workshops as part of the Dare Academy 2021 competition.
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Yes, all team members will adhere to the Abertay Code of Student Conduct.
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Pause carousel

Play carousel