Welcome to DARE Academy

Gain valuable opportunities to showcase your game design skills, engage directly with industry leaders and develop global networks and experience.


DARE Academy

The DARE Academy games design competition enables students to gain significant industry exposure and international experience. 

DARE Academy Application

Welcome to DARE Academy - good luck with your application!

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DARE Academy Mentors

Meet the mentors who will be supporting 2025's DARE Academy.

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DARE Academy Terms and Conditions

Read the Terms and Conditions for the 2025 DARE Academy.

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DARE Timeline

27/03/25 (Thursday) — Applications Open

30/05/25 (Friday) — Applications Close at 5pm

12/06/25 (Thursday) — Team Interviews

16/06/25 (Monday) — Finalists Announced

07/07/25 (Monday) — Hot-Housing Starts

01/08/25 (Friday) — Hot-Housing Ends

Date and Venue TBC — Judging and Showcase Event

DARE Academy: 2023 Recap

DARE Academy is Abertay University's annual video games design competition that starts on campus and ends at the EGX games expo in London. During the competition, teams of undergraduate students develop a game prototype over an intensive summer of industry-supported hot-housing. 

This video follows DARE Academy's six finalist 2023 teams as they travel from Dundee to EGX in London to demonstrate their finished games to industry insiders and attendees. 

Dare Academy FAQs

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Do I have to be on-site for all of the hot housing or can I join remotely?

We appreciate that you may have other commitments or due to financial constraints, may have to return home over the summer so it is possible for some members of a team to participate remotely in the competition. It is necessary, however, for teams to be represented in person at all hot housing events. The schedule for hot housing will be made available with plenty of time to allow participants to plan attendance.

Can I have a job and do DARE Academy?

Participants can work part-time and participate in Dare Academy. We would like you to attend as much of the hot housing as possible but appreciate that work commitments may mean some events are missed. All teams should have in person representation at all events.

I’ve suspended, can I participate in DARE Academy?

If you were registered as a student on an Abertay-based Undergraduate degree programme as of the 1st April 2025, you can participate in DARE Academy.

I’m an exchange student, can I participate in DARE Academy?

If you were registered as a student on Abertay-based Undergraduate modules of study as of the 1st April 2025, you can participate in DARE Academy.

We have a game idea that we worked on before – can we pitch it for DARE Academy?

Yes. So long as the game has potential and a clear plan for its development during DARE Academy, it can be pitched for the competition.

What are the selection interviews like?

Teams are invited to present their concept to a panel of industry and academic judges. They will have 15 minutes to pitch their ideas and then the panel will ask a series of questions for 15 minutes. There will also be an opportunity for teams to ask questions of the panel. The process is somewhat formal and will be hosted in person, on-site at Abertay University. It is appreciated that the whole team attend the interviews in person unless in exceptional circumstances.

What helps an application to be invited to interview for Dare Academy?

Applications are assessed in relation to the concept and the team make-up. For the concept, the creativity and originality of the idea and its relevance to the target audience are assessed. The applications are also assessed in terms of the project's viability being developed successfully within the hot housing period. The make-up of the team, in terms of discipline and diversity, is also taken into consideration in relation to viability of the application and promotion of equality and accessibility in game development processes. A playable version of the game for the application and/or interview stage can be beneficial for communicating the concept and proving team viability.

Does the University have the version of the software that we need?

Hot housing makes use of the standard PCs in labs within the university. Teams will only be able to access the versions of software currently available on university computers. Additional software and drivers can be installed as requested by teams, but these should be free to use.

Will the University provide us with equipment that we need for development?

The University will provide standard high-spec computers as are available within university labs. Additional equipment such as mobile devices for testing, can be provided if they are within the university’s current stock. Teams can purchase additional items and materials using the budget provided to teams via DARE Academy.

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