Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic & International (BAMEI) Staff Network

The BAMEI Staff Network is a staff-led support group for BAME and International university staff.

What is the Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic & International (BAMEI) Staff Network?

The BAMEI Staff Network is a staff-led support group for BAME and International university staff.

We share intelligence, ideas, concerns and offer each other advice. The network also informs the University's EDI policy development and implementation.

Black Asian Minority Ethnic International Staff group - BAMEI

Our Aims

We aim to learn from each other's experiences and to help guide the University leadership in developing processes, activities, and strategies that will improve the experience of BAMEI staff. 

Our Remit

As determined by the members, our remit is to:

  • Be a space for reviewing University policy, activities and strategies on race-related matters that affect staff experience. 

  • Suggest constructive actions for the University to help improve staff experience. 

  • Provide support for new international staff who may face many logistical challenges when moving to a new country, such as taxes, housing and banking.

  • Represent and advocate for the interests of the BAME and International Staff Community to Lead Voices and other relevant committees in the University.

  • Share the matters important to the network with the wider University through events and communication. 

  • Provide a safe and supportive space for members to build social relationships and share experiences.

  • Be a forum for social networking opportunities and events.

Part of Lead Voices for Race & Religion

As champions of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), our Lead Voices represent the interests of the staff community in relation to the protected characteristics. These are age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, and carers.

Each characteristic is championed by Lead Voices representatives within the staff community.

Voluntary Membership 

Group membership is voluntary, and every member has an equal say on matters concerning the BAMEI Staff Network.  

When are the meetings?

We meet 3-4 times a year, usually on Wednesday afternoons.

These are hybrid meetings and alternate between social networking gatherings and more formal sessions. We share intelligence with each other and evaluate the progress of key priorities set for the University through the Race Equality Charter Mark, the Athena SWAN applications and other relevant EDI Frameworks of the University.  

How to join


We invite all BAME or international staff to join, whether you are new to the university or if you have been here for a while. We have a lot in common to share and everything we discuss is treated with strict confidence.

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

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