Athena Swan Action Plan

February 2024-January 2029

This Arena Swan Action plan outlines our commitment to addressing gender equity, diversity and inclusion and how we will develop a more inclusive culture within Abertay University.

This covers the actions, timescales and outcomes covering February 2024-January 2029.

Key Priorities

  1. Recruitment

  2. Career Development of Academic Women

  3. Career Development of PSS Women

  4. Embedding EDI during Change

  5. Wellbeing and Workload

  6. Celebrate and Advance EDI at Abertay

  7. Athena Swan in the Schools

  8. Other Actions – Addressing Issues Outwith the KPs


Key Priority 1: Recruitment




Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



Review and enhance our recruitment policy, documentation and practice to ensure inclusive recruitment practices with the aim of improving gender balance and addressing intersectional inequalities.


Promote Abertay’s wellbeing and family-friendly policies, practices and benefits including flexible ways of working to encourage applicants.


Current position: candidate information and web highlight AS and REC awards.

PS review adverts, candidate briefs and panel composition for inclusiveness. All recruiters must have completed online training before recruiting. New recruiters receive 1 to 1 training, pending development of the new training. 

i.  Develop new training for recruiters covering the full process, including inclusive writing, addressing unconscious bias, and other inclusive practices, and roles in maximising effectiveness.


ii. Review candidate briefs and web pages.


iii. Review interview practices e.g. consider providing candidates with questions/ opportunities ahead of interviews; explore anonymous shortlisting.

i. Develop by August 2024; fully rolled out by August 2025


ii. By October 2024


iii. By Oct 2024; implement changes by Oct 2025.


People Ops Manager


i. New training rolled out and 90% of recruiting managers have new training before recruiting by August 2025; and 100% by August 2026.


ii. Updated candidate information in place, featuring wellbeing/ family-friendliness.


iii. Recruiters and candidates report positive experience, through survey/sample survey feedback.


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2024 and Q4 2025




ECR, SAcS and PS all >70% F. Aim to increase % M.



i. Ensure all PSS managers have recruitment, EDI and unconscious bias training before recruiting.


ii. After new training is in place (see AP1.1i), review candidate briefs for each Service with a view to encouraging more male applicants for more junior PSS roles


iii. Review recruitment monitoring data (applications, shortlist, appointments by gender and post) for each Service with the Director and management team, to identify any issues/trends.

i. Ongoing as part of authority to recruit process


ii by Jan 2026


iii Every 2 years aligned with AS reporting on recruitment.


i/iii People Ops Manager


ii. Directors of Services



i/iii HR Sys & Ops Officer


ii. DoPOD

All recruiters have completed recruitment and EDI training prior to being on panel – monitored via routine 6-monthly sample audit of recruitment process.


Monitoring data show increase in % of applications from men over time, and  shortlists and appointments are proportionate to applications.



Progress Report to SAT – Q1 2025




Work to increase the male population of PSS Grade 1 staff (around 90% F).


Certain PSS roles in Grades 2, 3, 4 and 6 are very male dominated, e.g. Security, Trades – work to promote female recruitment in these areas.


Focus on Estate and Campus Facilities (in FICS), as the main employer of both groups.



ii. Undertake tailored EDI and leadership and management training with Estate & Campus Facilities line managers at all levels to ensure no bias in recruitment, enable positive action where appropriate, and ensure a welcoming and inclusive working environment for new staff, particularly those joining a team dominated by a different gender.


iii. Monitor and report more frequently on Estate and Campus Facilities recruitment (applications, shortlist, appointments by gender and post) to identify issues at a granular level.


ii. By Sept 2025.


iii. Every 6 months (March/Sep) from Sep 2024




ii. PS with Chief Estates Officer


iii. HR & Systems Officer

POD Manager

Increase to 20% male staff in Grade 1 by Aug 2028.


(Numbers/turnover in male-dominated areas too low to specify target.)


Monitoring data show increase in % of applications from the minority gender over time, and  shortlists and appointments are at least proportionate to applications. 



Progress Report to SAT – Q1 2025





Ensure fair and inclusive treatment of the increasing number of part-time/ hourly-paid/ contract  academic staff involved in growing Abertay Online and TNE delivery.


Progress to date:

Role descriptions created and in use for Abertay Online Tutor (Grade 6) and Developer (Gr 7) roles.

i. Develop role descriptions for typical TNE roles, with associated grade (for recruitment) and workload allocation guidance, to ensure consistent treatment of new and existing staff undertaking these roles.


ii. Provide HR advice to recruiting managers to ensure appropriate contracts, and actively monitor these staff groups by gender, in relation to contract terms (e.g. contract duration, hours of work), pay and grade to ensure no gender imbalance in numbers, grade or contracts.

i. By July 2024


ii. Annually from October 2024 (covering 2023-24)

i. Dean of International & UK Partnerships/POD Manager


 ii. HR Sys & Ops Officer

i. POD Manager


ii. HR Sys & Ops Officer

Role descriptions are in place and in use.


Workload allocation guidance includes Abertay Online and TNE roles.


Annual monitoring shows no significant gender imbalance.


Progress Report to SAT – Q1 2025



Key Priority 2: Career Development of Academic Women




Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/ Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



Review academic role profiles to ensure that the diversity of academic expertise and roles are recognised in recruitment, performance, development and promotion processes. In particular:

- ensure that work tending to be carried out by more junior academic staff (with higher % of women) is given due recognition; and

- provide guidance to support career advancement for newer professors.


Progress to date: Previous academic role profiles review completed in 2022.

Professorial framework at draft stage at Jan 2024.



i. Create, communicate and implement a framework for professorial development and pay over three levels/bands – to provide clarity of role/ performance expectations and the basis for salary progression.



ii. Carry out a further review of the academic role profiles to ensure any particular TNE and Abertay Online aspects are covered, to ensure appropriate recognition of these aspects of academic work.

i. Initial version finalised and implemented by April 2024 (for use in the professorial pay review); a further evolution developed, communicated and implemented by April 2025.


ii. By January 2025.

DVC and People & OD Manager





DVC and People & OD Manager


Improved quality, and consequent increase in success rate, of professorial pay review cases. (Note: very small numbers (<5 pa) prevent quoting success rates – but the trend will be monitored and reported.)

Through this and other ongoing action to support career progression and recruitment, increase the % of female academic staff by July 2028 to:


Gr 8 – 45% (2023: 41%)

Gr 9 – 42% (2023: 39%)

Gr10 – 40% (2023: 36%)



Progress Report to SAT – Q1 2025 and Q1 2027





Further develop support and guidance for academic staff (especially women) in the promotion process.


Progress to date:

Academic promotion workshops provided annually, involving the VC/DVC, Deans and HoDs.
Academic role profile ‘personas’ indicate what is required at the different grades, to illustrate a range of academic career paths.


i. Develop a framework to allow academic staff to receive internal review of their potential promotion prospects from an internal mentor who has previously been successful with an application.


Target staff at the relevant career stage (e.g., 3 years since appointment or last promotion) to encourage uptake, tying into DDs.


ii. Develop new and revise existing personas, to including some focused on professional practice.


iii. Continue to develop/improve and run the academic promotion workshops annually: ensuring that staff understand the role profiles (criteria), the process and are aware of the personas and other guidance and support.


i./ii In place for 2025 round (by Mar 2025).


iii. Annually around Feb/March.



Deans/HoDs/POD Manager

POD Manager

At least 4 suitable internal reviewers/mentors (promoted academics) are identified in each School.


By 2027 at least 1/3rd of targeted academic staff (and at least proportionate number of women) take up the review opportunity, and over 60% of those who apply for promotion are successful. 


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2025






Explore career progression patterns to support removal of barriers


See Appendix 2, section 8 for academic promotion data. On average 40% of applications were from women, and 43% of successful applications. 



i. Analyse time spent at each academic level/grade by gender, ethnicity and School to identify any issues and associated actions, including identifying the cohort(s) of staff to review (e.g. with specified service in particular grades)


ii. Informed by the above, undertake an individual review with all academic staff in the relevant cohort(s) regarding their readiness for promotion, and provide appropriate promotion/ development support – taking account of individual (gendered/intersectional) needs/ circumstances.

i. January 2025

ii. Annually from January 2025

i. People Ops Team (analysis) with Deans/POD Manager (identify action)


Ii. HoDs, supported by PS

POD Manager

i. Analysis undertaken, discussed by SAT and SMART action identified to address any issues.


ii. Increase in the proportion of successful promotion applications from women to reflect the proportion of women in their original grade.


(See AP2.5) Decrease in the intersectional pay gap to 10% by 2028


Progress Report to SAT – Q2 2025





Intersectional pay gap. Issue originally identified through REC SAT, and through ongoing monitoring (see Appendix 2 Table 11.3).


Intersectional pay gap in last six years ranged from 11.6% to 20.2% although numbers are small (see Appendix 2 Table 11.3). At July 2023 = 15.1%, based on the highest number of BAME female staff in the six-year period

i. Undertake intersectional analysis of academic recruitment to identify issues and relevant action.


ii. Continue to promote BAME academic women’s participation in Aurora, academic promotion workshops and TRAMS through HoDs/DDs and BAMEI network.


iii. Run a specific academic promotion workshop focused on international staff.


iv. Work with Race LVs/BAMEI network as a focus group to evaluate the effectiveness of current approaches and identify further action to support BAME women’s career progression and recruitment to more senior roles.

i. By Oct 2025 and then every 2nd year


ii. Annually, ongoing


iii. Annually from 2025


iv. Initial discussion/ workshop by October 2024.



i. People Ops


ii. L&D Partner & POD Manager


iii.POD Manager


iv. PS/Race LVs

i. HR Systems & Ops Officer


ii. L&D Partner & POD Manager


iii.POD Manager


iv. DoPOD & KAF



Reduction in intersectional pay gap to 10% by July 2028.


More than proportional numbers of BAME women participate in Aurora, promotion workshops and TRAMS. [Note: 16% of Aurora delegates since last application]


Further SMART action identified with LVs/BAMEI network, reported to AS and REC SATs and progressed.


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2024 and Q4 2026






Support staff before, during and after maternity/ adoption/ parental leave, to maintain good staff engagement, enable high performance and support ongoing career progression.


Action carried forward from AP2018.


Progress to date: benchmarking exercise undertaken to identify support mechanisms for leave returners across other Universities. 


Yearly reports tracking maternity returners remaining in post now being produced and will be reviewed and monitored for trends.


i. Draft a proposal and framework on how we support staff before, during and after leave based on the findings of the benchmarking exercise and in consultation with the LVs for pregnancy, maternity and caring.


ii. Within that, produce a specific framework and guidance for women returning from maternity leave which focusses on their immediate return and the short/medium period following their return. 



i./ii Drafts for consultation with LVs/others by July 2025;

published, publicised and implemented by February 2025;


evaluate through feedback from all staff affected from Feb 2026


POD Partner

POD Partner

Positive evaluation from staff affected – through direct request for feedback - and continuous improvement in response to feedback.


Retention of maternity/ adoption/ parental leave returners is on a par with other voluntary staff turnover (which is reported 2 x per year)


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2024





Support women’s academic and research careers, and promote gender and intersectional equality and trans inclusion, through REF2029

Develop an RKE People, Culture & Environment Action Plan (aligned with REF2029 guidance and good practice), in consultation with the SAT, LVs and Trade Unions amongst others, which supports the development and progression of a diverse researcher community and addresses gender and intersectional equality and inclusion; communicate this to all staff; and monitor its implementation and impact.

Develop by end 2024. Then monitor implementation and impact annually.

Dean of R&GS with develop-ment group (50% F membership)

Dean of R&GS

Achieve an equivalent REF contribution from F/M compared to the % F/M academic staff (Gr 8-10)


Progress Report to

SAT – Q1 2025 and Q1 2027




Maintain and further promote mentoring provision for academic and research staff.


Current status: TRAMS (Teaching, Research & Academic Mentoring Scheme) suspended by the coordinator (University of St Andrews) for 2024 for review to support and make sustainable the rapid growth of the scheme.


Work with Universities of St Andrews, Dundee and other TRAMS partners to launch the new scheme and publicise once reopened.

Review progress by Aug 24; estimated re-launch March 2025.

L&D Partner

L&D Partner

TRAMS (or equivalent) relaunched with strong uptake by Abertay staff with at least 15 mentees  in the first year (the same level as at the point the scheme was suspended – see App2 Table 12.3), rising to 25 by 2027, and at least 10 mentors rising to 15.


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2024 and Q4 2026




2, 3

Develop skills, networks and visibility through shadowing/observing University committees


AP2018 5.ii carried forward to improve communication of this opportunity.

Make available opportunities for shadowing, observing and open seats and communicate these opportunities to all staff through the Community Update and other routes, e.g. LVs, DDs

Publicise by October 2024 and at least every two years

Head of Governance

Head of Planning

At least 45% of those taking up shadow/observing positions for university committees are women.


Staff report (through being asked for feedback) that the experience is valuable.


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2024






Provide leadership development for women to support their career development, and enhance leadership in the University


Progress to date: Various events held pre-covid involving Abertay Aurora participants, ‘alumnae’ and role models. Individual cohort meetings.

(i) Continue to support participation of academics and PSS in the Aurora women’s leadership programme.


(ii) Encourage shared development and network support through Abertay Aurorans events/networking


(Note also AP2.5 re BAME staff participation)

(i) Annually

(ii) Hold an event by June 2025 and at least annually.

L&D Partner

L&D Partner

(i) Annual Aurora cohort supported, of at least one academic and one PSS.


(ii) At least one event/activity annually.




Key Priority 3: Career Development of PSS Women

3 - Note also actions 2.1, 2.6, 2.9, 2.10 above



Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/ Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



Review the regrading process and ensure promotion of opportunities for personal, professional and career development and recognition.


Progress to date: Revised procedure drafted.

Review/development of PSS role profiles underway.

i. Revise, implement and communicate the regrading policy/procedure


ii. Create new professional services role profiles to assist with career development.

i. By August 2024

ii. By August 2025

People Ops Manager

POD Manager

POD Manager


Increase to F and M PSS staff (and locally, female SAcS staff) responding favourably in the 2026 staff survey that they feel the Uni acts fairly re career progression/promotion, rising to 75% or above in the 2028 survey. (2022 all staff favourable response: 69% for F & M)

Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2023




SAcS notably higher % M at higher grades. In 2023: 68% F at Gr6, 54% F at Gr7-10. Aim to improve F career progression.

i. Develop a local career development and support plan for female SAcS staff up to Gr 7. Likely to include SAcS involvement in developing/testing the PSS career development framework; promoting the PSS mentoring scheme; and other action to build confidence and skills.


Develop outline plan by August 2024; implement initial measures by July 2025.

Director of SAcS with POD Partner/Manager

Student Services Manager/POD Manager

% of F Gr 6-10 SAcS staff moves 5 percentage points closer to the % at Gr 5 by July 2028.


See also AP1.2 on recruitment.


Progress Report to SAT – Q1 2025




Develop mentoring provision for professional services staff, ensuring awareness and support for the needs of staff from diverse backgrounds, and communicate this alongside mentoring opportunities for academic staff.


Establish mentoring provision for professional services staff to further enhance development opportunities for women and give them more effective access to role models in senior positions. (Note: TRAMS mentoring scheme already available to all academic staff (albeit under review in 2024).)

Provision in place by February 2025

L&D Partner

L&D Partner

Mentoring provision in place, with at least 5 PSS matched by July 2026 rising to 10 by July 2027 with at least proportionate participation by women (based on the relevant PSS staff numbers) and including at least one female SAcS mentee.


Participants evaluate the scheme positively in response to direct approach for feedback after 12 months.     


Progress Report to SAT – Q2 2025



Intersectional pay gap.


See AP2.5

i. Undertake intersectional analysis of PSS recruitment to identify issues and relevant action.


ii. Continue to promote BAME PSS women’s participation in Aurora.


Work with Race LVs/BAME network – see AP2.5 iv.

i. By Oct 2025 and then every 2nd year


ii. Annually, ongoing





i. People Ops Manager


ii. L&D Partner


i. HR Systems & Ops Officer


ii. L&D Partner



As per AP2.2 Reduction in intersectional pay gap to 10% by July 2028.


More than proportional numbers of BAME women participate in Aurora.


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2025 and Q4 2026




Key Priority 4: Embedding EDI during Change




Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



Sustain and develop our Lead Voices scheme, to promote a supportive and inclusive working environment for staff in relation to all protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation) and help attract and retain staff from under-represented groups.


i. Review LV remit and arrangements, including recruitment of new LVs to fill gaps/enable turnover.


ii. Identify SMT contacts for all LV groups

ii. Involve LV in policy development and equality impact assessment, including specific consultation on the new Strategic Plan 2025-30 and L&T and RKE Strategies 2025-30.

i/ii. By July 2024


iii. Ongoing, with strategy development during 2024.

DoPOD, Comms, LVs


70% of staff report (via survey) being aware of LVs by 2026;


LVs report increasing attendance at their networks/ meetings/events over the period of the AP


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2024,  Q3 2025, Q3 2026, Q3 2028





Support EDI during growth and change relating to TNE and Abertay Online

See AP 1.4, 2.2







Key Priority 5: Wellbeing and Workload




Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



In the 2022 staff survey only 51% of women responded favourably to ‘The Universiy does enough to support my health and wellbeing at work.’ (60% of men)


Develop an integrated approach to health & wellbeing within a supportive and open workplace culture that normalises conversations, consideration, support, and management of health and wellbeing in the workplace.


Key to this wellbeing culture is leadership and support at all levels and embedding consideration of staff wellbeing into decision-making.

i. Integrate health and wellbeing information and guidance on the intranet, pulling all relevant information and resources into one place for staff – including menopause resources, men’s health, family-friendly policies.


ii. Develop a Health & Wellbeing Policy setting out the University's principles and approach – including in relation to gendered health issues, e.g. menopause, men’s mental health (noting men are substantially less likely to use staff counselling).


iii. Continue to work with academics and students to offer wellbeing initiatives, utilising academic expertise (e.g. in sport and exercise, mental health and food) and providing students with experience.


i. During 2024/on-going


ii. Sept 2024



At least 61% of staff (F and M) respond favourably to ‘The Universiy does enough to support my health and wellbeing at work.’


Positive feedback from staff and students in relation to health and wellbeing events and initiatives – via tailored evaluation survey and direct feedback.


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 every year




Promote wellbeing and work-home life balance; continue to develop and promote our hybrid and flexible working policy, learning from experience as practice evolves, ensuring that we retain the benefits and value this has brought for staff and the University.


Progress to date:

Positive responses by men and women, and particularly women, to Hybrid Working Pulse Survey, see App1, Table 1.3.


i. Review Hybrid Working Policy, taking account of staff survey feedback and other input (e.g. student survey feedback).


ii. Review Flexible Working Policy to address anticipated new legislation, continue to exceed statutory requirements and improve user-friendliness and take the opportunity to substantially promote/relaunch as a benefit to staff.

i. By April 2024 and again by April 2027

ii. April 2025 or the effective date of the legislative change, whichever is earlier.

i. POD Manager/ Partner

ii. People Ops Manager

i. POD Manager

ii. DoPOD

i. Complete policy reviews and at least maintain the favourable responses to the Hybrid working pulse survey in 2023:

- hybrid working environments 79% F, 73% M

- perceptions of hybrid working 80% F, 69% M


ii. Complete policy review and relaunch and obtain positive responses (over 70%) to staff survey question on the University’s policy.


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2024 and Q3 2025 and Q3 2027




Carers’ Policy – review leave and support for staff with caring responsibilities, to meet and exceed new legislation and ensure awareness by staff and managers.

Review and develop the Carers’ policy during 2024 when the legislation is expected to change, ensuring that our policy goes beyond statutory requirements and addresses non-emergency caring needs for staff caring for children or adult dependents.

April 2025 or the effective date of the legislative change, whichever is earlier.

People Ops Manager


Implementation of new Carers’ policy with extended leave entitlement, including communication to all staff and to line managers.


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2025



The LVs (and growing public awareness) have highlighted the potential impact of menopause/ perimopause on female staff’s wellbeing at work and careers, so there is a wish to ensure that the University is a supportive workplace.


Progress to date: extensive online resources, publicised through Community Update fortnightly online staff newsletter. Have held 3 Menopause Cafes, the first during Diversity Fest 2022. Open menopause training session completed in Jan 2024..


i. Continue to run periodic menopause events e.g. Menopause Cafes, talks.


ii. Ensure all line managers receive health/absence management training, including menopause awareness, wellness action plans and stress action plans.

i. At least one per year.


ii. Regular workshops until all managers trained, and at least one per year ongoing



OH Adviser/ POD Partner

POD Partner

i. One event per year, attended by at least 6 people.


ii. 90% of line managers trained by December 2025.


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2024, Q1 2026





Key Priority 6: Celebrate and Advance EDI at Abertay




Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



Celebrate EDI and educate staff, students and the public through Diversity Fests in 2024 and 2026.


Decision taken following successful Diversity Fest weeks in May 2021 and Nov 2022 to make this a biennial event, involving staff and students.

Organise and promote Diversity Fests in 2024 and 2026, ensuring wide involvement in both delivering events and attendance/participation, to celebrate EDI at Abertay, improve EDI knowledge among our staff and students and promote good relations between groups. Ensure that gender/intersectional/trans equality and inclusion feature in the programme.

Kick off organising group in Feb 2024. Diversity Fests in Nov 2024 and 2026.

Diversity Fest organizing group

DoPOD (chairs group)_

Over 100 people attend events, with positive feedback through open survey.


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2024, Q1 2025, Q3 2026, Q1 2027




Gain Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Award and display – as a public demonstration of inclusivity.


Ensure buy-in from public-facing teams and commit to the Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Award, including displaying the award publicl, to support breast-feeding staff and students and demonstrate inclusivity for the wider local community.

By July 2024

OH Adviser


Award displayed prominently in Annie’s café; positive feedback from Abertay SA and LVs.


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2024




Ensure staff, and particularly managers, are trained in EDI relevant to their roles – keeping training under review in line with evolving needs and good practice, and to embed our value of Inclusion.


A range of EDI training and development is provided, but is overdue for review to make sure existing modules are effective and meet gaps in provision. E.g. PS, the LVs and others have identified a need for training in relation to neurodiversity (including gender and gender identity dimensions) and in cultural/race awareness.


Completion rates are currently poor (see App2, Table 12.4) which needs to be addressed following the review.

Undertake a holistic review of EDI staff L&D requirements and establish a plan and timeline for introducing new provision and/or relaunching existing training to ensure that all staff complete the required L&D.  New provision will include:

- neurodiversity

- cultural intelligence/race equality

- equality impact assessment.


Existing provision to be replaced or refreshed includes:

-        EDI

-        Unconscious bias

-        Recruitment & Selection

-        GBV

 (The four existing areas were agreed by SMT in 2022 as compulsory training requirements.)


Complete review by July 2024;

phase relaunches /introductions across 2024/25 and 2025/26


L&D Partner (PS), AbLE, GS


Established the requirements for EDI training and development and a timeline for implementation.


90% completion of compulsory training within the set timeline.


Progress Report to SAT – Q1 2025, 2026, 2027




Enhance and promote reporting mechanisms and support for staff to raise discrimination and harassment issues, including developing EDI points of contact arrangements.


i. Develop an EDI ‘points of contact’ scheme, to provide staff with colleagues who they can approach for confidential discussion and guidance on how to raise issues.


ii. Further promote the use of the Tell Us reporting tool by staff by:

·       Explaining in detail how reports are handled to ensure confidence in the system, in relation to both responding to reports and  confidentiality

·       working with School SATs to raise awareness that this is for staff as well as students and promote the tool locally

·       continuing to promote Tell Us via MyAbertay, news items etc.

i. September 2024


ii. Ongoing

i. POD Manager


ii. Equally Safe Working Group/ Head of Comms/ School SATs

i. POD Manager


ii. Student Services

EDI points of contact identified, trained and publicised.


Increase to over 70% of M & F staff feeling able to report bullying/ harassment without concern about repercussions in the staff survey 2026. (2022 survey: F 61%, M 68%)


Tell Us tool available on the intranet and actively publicised (e.g. Community update item, MyAbertay banner) at least annually.


Progress Report to SAT – Q2 2025, Q4 2026



Promote effective consultation and involvement in decision-making and collaboration across teams.


Engage with, and listen to, staff impacted by change to improve change management while enabling a culture of learning and continuous improvement, including effective processes for learning lessons when issues are identified.


Current position:

Staff engagement surveys every two years since 2013.


2 pulse surveys during the pandemic. Introduction of new supplier (People Insights) and dashboard in Spring 2022. Hybrid Working Pulse Survey in 2023.


Reviewed staff engagement structures and established University Staff Wellbeing, Engagement and Empowerment Team (SWEET) and local SWEETs in all Schools and Services in 2022-23.


Regular JLG and LV Forum meetings.


i. Carry out bi-annual surveys plus further topical pulse surveys.


ii. Continue to develop employee relations framework within Abertay, including JLG, University SWEET, Lead Voices, and specifically discuss change management on the agenda for these meetings at least once per year.


iii. Continue to undertake reviews as part of the project management process, including recording of lessons learned.

iv. Provide multiple opportunities and ways for all staff to contribute to the development of the new Strategic Plan and supporting strategies, both at the early stages and as the strategies are being refined.

i. Biennial - next due Spring 2024.


ii, iii. Ongoing


iv. During 2024

i. POD Manager


ii. DoPOD


iii. SMT


iv. VP, Dean of T&L, DoRGS

i. POD Manager


ii, iii. DoPOD


iv. DoRGS


Increase in favourable responses in staff survey 2026 and 2028 to the following:


Recent changes have been well explained (target 40%)

Recent changes have been well planned (target 35%)

My opinion is sought on decisions that affect my work (target 65%)


(See App1 Table 1.1 for 2022 results)



Progress Report to SAT – Q2 2025 and Q2 2026














Ensure EDI is at the core of the University’s Learning and Teaching

Ensure EDI – including gender, trans and intersectional equality and inclusion - is at the core of the University’s new Learning and Teaching Strategy 2025-2030, involving diverse groups (including the SAT, LVs, Abertay SA and the EDI in the Curriculum group) in consultation during.

Consultation during 2024. New strategy in place by Sep 2025.

Dean of T&L

AbLE Head of TQLE

The new Learning and Teaching Strategy includes prominent commitment to gender and intersectional equality, and has associated SMART actions to ensure success.



Supporting Student Carers


Progress to date: Student Services has a named contact for Carers.


Student Services and other staff have been very proactive since 2022 in creating bespoke support for this group. A funded project was successful in highlighting the challenges student carers face as learners and the project focused on finding effective solutions to the loneliness faced by this student cohort. 


A training video to be used with staff was created by 4 student carers during 2023. This short video aimed to give insight to staff on the challenges faced by Student Carers at Abertay.

Work to achieve the “Going Higher” quality mark for work done to support student carers at Abertay.


Application submitted during AY 2024-25



Student Services Advisory team.

Student Services Manager


Successful achievement of the Going Higher award.



Key Priority 7: Athena Swan in the Schools




Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



Schools are represented on the SAT.

Continue to embed equality, diversity and inclusion in School and Service operational plans.


i. Include EDI objectives in all operational plans, including Athena Swan objectives.


ii.Establish SATs in all schools with associated action plans.


iii. Agree timescales for all School Athena Swan award submissions to be made.

i. Annual as part of operational planning


ii, iii. Apr 2024

i. VP

ii, iii. Deans


i.Head of Planning & Insight


ii, iii, School reps

EDI embedded in operational plans.


Progress Report to SAT – Q1 2025




AP2018 9.ii to improve SAT gender balance not achieved – current SAT 70% F, 30% M.

i. Review SAT membership annually, ensuring turnover and working towards improved gender balance

i, ii, iii. During 2024 and annual review to take place.


iv, vi, vii. By end of Dec 2024.



SAT Rep and PS


SAT at least 35% M/non-binary by 2026 and 40% by 2029.


Progress Report to SAT – Q2 2025 (yearly)



Improve low % of female academics in SDI (26%)


i. Advertisements for all posts within SDI to include a statement welcoming female applicants and under-represented groups.


ii. Ensure promotion of recruitment opportunities through staff networks – emphasising the positive culture, e.g. family friendly policies and female role models.


iii. Ensure that all members of appointment panels have completed unconscious bias training.


iv. Encourage female staff to undertake networking and collaborative activities to develop their public profile, through Development Discussions.


v.Ensure that female staff are present and visible at student open days so that potential female applicants can speak to them and visualise themselves as registering for one of the programmes.

i. To be complete by Mar 2024.


ii. During 2024 and ongoing.


iii. Training completed for all panel members in SDI by May 24.


iv. To be included in the main 2024 development discussion.


v. In place for next 2024 open days.



i. Dean of SDI/Chair of SDI SAT/PS


ii. SDI SAT members to lead


iii. SDI staff


iv. SDI HoDs


v. SDI Dean/ECR


Revised school candidate briefs in place by Mar 24.


Increase to over 30% female academics in SDI by July 2028.


All SDI recruiting managers to have completed recruitment and EDI training prior to being on panel – monitored via routine 6-monthly sample audit of recruitment process.


Dip check at end of 2024 of SDI development discussion forms demonstrates plans for networking and collaboration.

Minimum of 2 women to be present at all future open days.


Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2024/25/26/27




School SATs consider local action to reinforce/ enhance/ extend University-level actions

i.School SATs to review the University AP2024 to identify locally focussed action.


ii. School SATs to publicise the academic promotions process and guidance (including personas) and encourage attendance at workshops.


iii. School SATs lead on identifying mentors for academic promotion.


iv. School SATs to contribute to the development of revised/new personas to ensure that these reflect the nature of academic careers in their Schools.


vi.Schools to act as pilot group for new training.

i.To be reviewed by May 2024.


ii, iii.To be carried out during Q1 2024.


iv. Additional personas to be created for each school by Dec 2024.


vi. New training to be complete by Oct 2024.



i. SAT Chair/School SAT members

ii, iii. Deans and PS


iv. School reps and PS




Review of University AP complete by all schools and local actions identified.


20% increase in academic staff attending the academic promotion numbers for 2024 in comparison to 2023.


All staff who apply for academic promotion having attended the workshop.


All schools to have at least 4 promotion mentors identified by the end of the 2024 promotion round.


Additional personas created with the involvement of the School SAT reps and school promotion mentors, at least 1 new personas created for each grade by Aug 2024.


All school taken part in the pilot for the new training.



Progress Report to SAT – Q4 2024/25



8. Other actions – Addressing Issues Outwith the KPs




Area for Action and progress to date

Action (specific detail of planned intervention)

Timescale (start/ complete/ milestones)

Responsible person/ post(s)

Accountable SAT member

Success/Outcome measure

(Timescale of progress reporting to SAT)



Staff survey 2022 (App1 Fig 1.17) showed gender differences in whether staff felt they had the equipment/resources they needed to do their work properly.

i. Further explore reasons for these responses and gender differences, using other survey data and feedback, and refer findings to relevant Schools/Services.


ii. Focus on BLS and SDI (where there are substantial gender differences).


iii. Consult with AberSpace and/or AberTech groups on the Estate and IT respectively for awareness/action as appropriate.

i. April 2024


ii. Sept 2024


iii. July 2024


POD Partner


Deans of BLS/ SDI


People Ops Manager

POD Partner

Analysis of available data completed and referred to relevant areas for action.


Progress Report to SAT – Q3 2025



Pause carousel

Play carousel