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There are some wonderful surprises in the radio shows concerning the cutting edge research that was going on in 1993. There are fascinating interviews about the work being done on areas like a passive motion hand therapy machine, cryopreservation, energy efficiency planning, the use of polling and marketing techniques on pain management, DNA fingerprinting etc. There was also an amazing article about an undergraduate research project on finance challenges in the British film industry.
Wider educational developments were also covered in terms of international relations being fostered through providing courses in Europe, the ERASMUS student exchange scheme, the development of specialised institutes to bring together expertise to help industry highlighted in the Wastewater Technology Centre, and the benefits gained from collaborating with further education colleges in the local region.
Student life is also well covered in the shows, from the news about student entertainments during Freshers Week and the fortunes of our sports teams, to more serious issues such as reductions in student maintenance grants and the restrictions that would be imposed on students associations abilities to fund student activities. The segments on these regularly feature interviews with the Student Representative Council President at the time, Rachel Thomas.