Zara Naveed

Learning Programming Concepts through Virtual Reality Block-based Visual Scripting

As Virtual Reality (VR) strives to create more engaging experiences, it aligns with the need for a more interactive and immersive teaching experience. Combined with the growing demand for computer programmers, this new technology could provide a pathway into more immersive and interactive educational visual scripting applications. This project will explore the viability of using VR as a learning tool for programming, by developing an application demonstrating visual scripting using customisable blocks with a command interpreter to perform logic described by the user in a game environment. The project further evaluates the effectiveness of the application against existing visual scripting software.

Project info

  • Developer Zara Naveed
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Game Applications Development

Learning Programming Concepts through Virtual Reality Block-based Visual Scripting

Exploring the viability of using a Virtual Reality environment to teach users programming concepts using constructed blocks to solve puzzles.


'Learning Programming Concepts through Virtual Reality Block-based Visual Scripting' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Zara Naveed, a Computer Game Applications Development student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

I've always been interested in creating educational tools that are presented to the user as a game or interactive experience.

Connect with Zara

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Zara Naveed

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