Scott Simpson

Designing Innovative Multiplayer Maps for a PvP Tactical Shooter

Real time multiplayer games use dynamic map elements to shake up the level and create points of interest for the player. Looking at Battlefield 4 which used huge collapsing structures to create large scale map changes. Even looking at something more playful such as Overcooked 2; you can see how adding shifts to the level instantly makes it more interesting and creates different strategies the player needs to play around. When looking at turn-based games, this philosophy isn't carried over and levels tend to be static. This project aims to create a level using dynamic map elements to create points of interest and ultimately shake up how a player engages with a turn-based map.

Project info

  • Developer Scott Simpson
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Designing Innovative Multiplayer Maps for a PvP Tactical Shooter

Can dynamic elements inspired by real-time games work within the limitations of turn-based gameplay to create innovative and strategic levels?


'Designing Innovative Multiplayer Maps for a PvP Tactical Shooter' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Scott Simpson, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

First person shooter multiplayer games have always been my go to genre - recently I have become quite addicted to Overwatch again. However turn-based games have always intrigued me and therefore I took a plunge recently and played Hard West 2 which I thought was excellent. Therefore I wanted to find a way to merge these two genres while still focusing on my chosen specialist subject; Level Design.

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Scott Simpson

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