Sandra Slaba

Dissolving boundaries between physical and digital tabletop gaming

In this project I have created 5 fully illustrated Tarot cards that can produce positive or negative outcomes in Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. I made these cards as a way to enhance the engagement of players in both in-person and online campaigns. The purpose of the cards are to be an extension to D&D and act as magical items the players can obtain in their travels. The main reason I created these cards is because of my love for both Tarot and table-top games. I believe they both go along so well, and so this felt like the perfect opportunity to create something that can be enjoyed for both me and other players.

Project info

  • Developer Sandra Slaba
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Arts

Dissolving boundaries between physical and digital tabletop gaming

My project delves into creating a physical/digital set of playable tarot cards that can alter your table-top campaign for the better or for worse…

'Dissolving boundaries between physical and digital tabletop gaming' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Sandra Slaba, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.


'Dissolving boundaries between physical and digital tabletop gaming' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Sandra Slaba, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

It's very much a passion project that merges two interests of mine into one personal thing. I love doing illustrations, so making something that can be used by other people/friends is making this project extremely important to me!

Connect with Sandra


Sandra Slaba

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