Rachael Hogg

Reimagining Scottish folktales in contemporary culture

A 2D short film drawing from traditional Scottish folk tales, highlighting the importance of their preservation and reflecting the deep connection that Scottish people have to the land and sea. This project explores the link between folk tales and the protection of the natural world, at a time when a climate emergency has been declared across the world and the protection of Scotland's environment is crucial. Folk tales communicate powerful moral narratives, often cautionary in nature and reflecting the impact of human actions on the earth and sea, inviting contemplation on the state of our world and the importance of living in harmony with nature. This project also looks at the preservation of folk tales as a way to keep Scottish culture alive as traditional music, dance and language has slowly been disappearing from Scottish communities.

Project info

  • Developer Rachael Hogg
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Arts

Reimagining Scottish folktales in contemporary culture

A short film depicting stories from Scottish folklore, highlighting the importance of the preservation of the natural world and traditional folktales.


'Reimagining Scottish folktales in contemporary culture' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Rachael Hogg, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

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Rachael Hogg

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