James Muirhead

The Unheimlich Picnic

"The Unheimlich Picnic" is a 2022 Digital Graduate Show project by James Muirhead, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.


This project will produce a framework for designing and building an enemy AI system that invokes the emotional reaction of fear through practice. Specifically, a creepy, dread-inducing, and nightmarish fear. Incorporating the concepts of the Other, a staple of the horror genre, and Freud's concept of Uncanniness to induce this specific reaction. The practice began by designing an AI, aided by a close reading of relevant game design, media studies, and psychoanalytic literature. This design was then built as a prototype in the Unity game engine. The final prototype has taken the form of a simple first-person horror game with arbitrary goals for the player to collect whilst being hunted and pursued by the AI antagonist. The final stages of the project are compiling everything I have learnt into a post-mortem, which hopefully any designer can pick up and use as a guide when designing a similar AI.

Project info

  • Developer James Muirhead
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Game Design and Production

The Unheimlich Picnic

Using the concepts of the Other, abjection and Freud's definition of the Uncanny, I am designing and building an antagonist enemy AI for a horror game.

Project Motivation

I'm a massive fan of the work of David Lynch, so naturally, I wanted to try my hand at some surrealist horror. I wanted to create something that gave a player creepy dreamlike feelings, which led me down a spiralling rabbit hole of researching psychoanalysis, nostalgia, and childhood. I've always found these feelings interesting, and I hope people enjoy exploring these feelings with what I've made.

James Muirhead

Pause carousel

Play carousel