James Hunter

A Taxonomy of Accessibility Standards – Considerations for the Disabled Gamer

An analysis of game accessibility standards and the measures that can be taken to improve them.

For a full written transcript of the video, please visit my website via the 'Find out more' section.

Project info

  • Developer James Hunter
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Game Design and Production

A Taxonomy of Accessibility Standards – Considerations for the Disabled Gamer

An analysis of game accessible standards and the measures that can be taken to improve them.


A combination of personal experiences and also as a means to continue on from a project in 3rd year in a similar field. It was a way to further explore accessibility and refine knowledge and skills gained in previous ventures.


“A Taxonomy of Accessibility Standards – Considerations for the Disabled Gamer ” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by James Hunter, a Game Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Find out more

Website: hunterjamesjobs.wixsite.com/productionportfolio

Twitter: @JamesHunterDev

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/james-hunter-430947195

James Hunter

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