Izzy Collins

The Magic Salmon: Celtic History both Fun and Accurate

Popular media has been unkind to Celtic history, culture and aesthetics, often lazily using tired and untrue tropes to produce familiar (if boring) results. Think of every topless, kilted, blue-squiggle painted barbarian ever seen in the fantasy genre. This project explored how to be fun, interesting and respectful while we borrow from our history. The result is the ‘Salmon of Wisdom’, a small interactive videogame centred around the Pictish belief that salmon were the holders of great wisdom. It will answer all your burning yes or no questions, relay an interesting fact about the Celts or simply dispense some ‘useful’ life advice.

Project info

  • Developer Izzy Collins
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

The Magic Salmon: Celtic History both Fun and Accurate

A project that combines silly videogame fun with researched Celtic history. Life advice? Words of Wisdom? History? All the better if it’s given out by a talking Magic Salmon.

Project Motivation

A burning anger at how people mistreat Scottish history and culture.

Izzy Collins

Pause carousel

Play carousel