Heather Cochrane


“A.D.A.M” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Heather Cochrane, a student at Abertay University.


A.D.A.M generates music based on over 200 examples of game music using an artificial neural network created in python using Keras and Tensorflow. The projects aim was to determine the quality of pieces created by the network and rate whether they were suited for ambient game music.

The network went through several different iterations ranging from the core model to experiments with different game music until the final form of the network was settled on. The final pieces are clearly artificial but provide an interesting look into the process of creating music using artificial intelligence.

View the full project here.

Project info

  • Developer Heather Cochrane
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Computer Game Applications Development


A.D.A.M is an artificial neural network that produces ambient game music.

“A.D.A.M” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Heather Cochrane, a student at Abertay University.


I have always had an interest in music and by combining this passion with code it made for an interesting and enjoyable project to work on.


“A.D.A.M” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Heather Cochrane, a Computer Game Applications Development student at Abertay University.

Find out more

Website: heathercochrane.itch.io

Heather Cochrane

Pause carousel

Play carousel