Florence Ramage

The Confidant

“The Confidant” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Florence Ramage, a student at Abertay University.


Jess is a young woman living in isolation, who begins to experience strange happenings in her small flat. Unsure if her mind is playing tricks on her, or if something altogether different may be happening, she gets in touch with her brother, whom she relies on for emotional support and a friendly voice.

The goal of my project was to create a dark, yet beautiful musical story exploring grief and a sibling relationship, whilst accurately depicting the psychological effects of loss through audio alone. I composed music, created sound effects using a variety of props and recorded dialogue, compiling the piece using the audio software programme Ableton Live.

Project info

  • Developer Florence Ramage
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Sound and Music for Games

The Confidant

An audio narrative depicting the struggle of a girl dealing with numerous psychological issues. As she questions her sanity, she calls her brother for support.

“The Confidant” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Florence Ramage, a Sound and Music for Games student at Abertay University.


I've always been interested in sound design for horror, however in 2016, I lost a close friend and found the grieving process extremely difficult. This gave a new meaning to the genre to me, as characters depicted in psychological horror stories often seemed to be going through similar struggles to mine. I wanted to use my studies to further my understanding of this and to try and share my own experiences though the medium of audio.


“The Confidant” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Florence Ramage, a Sound and Music for Games student at Abertay University.

Find out more

Website: ramageflorence.wixsite.com/flosound/blog

Florence Ramage

Pause carousel

Play carousel