Eilidh Norris

Environmental Storytelling; The Art of Fear

My project focuses on narrative storytelling through environment design. This will be horror-themed, exploring how exactly an environment alone can scare and engage us.

The story will be centered around a sect of Japanese Buddhist monks who have grown disillusioned with their religious teachings, as they are isolated in the misty mountain forests of Kyushu.

They became obsessed with the old statues of the once revered Three Wise Monkeys that hid their mouths, ears and eyes with their hands for fear of evil. As a dedication to their new path, the monks remove their left hands so that they can never shield themselves, nor hold themselves back, from the evil in the world.

For what is evil? If not a hidden truth, a hidden sacrilegious path to true enlightenment that they will find, no matter the cost.

Project info

  • Developer Eilidh Norris
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Arts

Environmental Storytelling; The Art of Fear

This project explores how environments in horror-themed video games can tell a story without words, encouraging players to investigate and form their own unique narrative.


I was unconfident with the idea of creating large scale environments, especially when going for a more realistic approach. But I love jumping right into the deep end of areas I don't know well, and hopefully coming out of it with experience and new found love of a different field of work. I love worldbuilding in games, and being rewarded with insight into a games narrative by exploring every nook and cranny. I really wanted to give that a shot myself!


“Environmental Storytelling; The Art of Fear” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Eilidh Norris, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

Find out more

Eilidh's ArtStation


Full Project Here!

Eilidh Norris

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