Daniel Pukkila

The Valley of Birds


The Valley of Birds is a fantasy, animated TV miniseries, which is based on a novella by the same name. The project goes through the pre-production stages of animation, which include character and environment design, writing an episode premise, outline, and script, thumbnailing and storyboarding, and finally compiling a story bible. The story explores the life of Meinin, a bed-ridden woman with dementia, who recalls her life in the valley. It explores how one can overcome abuse, loss, and hatred and how by choosing acceptance one can find both peace and meaning. The novella is adapted for the screen and broken down into six episodes, from which the first one is produced.

Project info

  • Developer Daniel Pukkila
  • Showcase year 2022
  • Programme Computer Arts

The Valley of Birds

The pre-production of a fantasy, animated TV miniseries, which explores the life of Meinin, a bed-ridden woman with dementia, who recalls her life in the valley.

Project Motivation

Having always had a passion for storytelling, this project not only allowed me to adapt my novella for the screen but also be in charge of creating an animated TV miniseries.

Daniel Pukkila

Pause carousel

Play carousel