Daniel John McLaughlan

Test Trap

“Test Trap” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Daniel McLaughlan, a student at Abertay University.


In VR, the movement mechanic teleportation is often found to be the most comfortable for users. However, this presents a challenge to the immersive nature of the experience. This project aims to take a more holistic approach to this system of movement, through the development of traps and puzzles, created with this system in mind.

The end result is an immersive and comfortable experience in which the player can use teleportation without sacrificing their suspension of disbelief. The project is presented in the form of a series of rooms, each involving the player pressing buttons - after traversing different traps - to unlock a door.

View the full project here.

Project info

  • Developer Daniel John McLaughlan
  • Showcase year 2020
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Test Trap

The project involves creating an immersive experience, while using teleportation as the core movement system, in a VR environment through the use of traps and puzzles designed with this means of movement in mind.


While playing VR games, I found myself getting furstrated at times when I was able to get passed a puzzle without needing to pay attention to what I was doing. This lessened the immersive experience that VR is known for, and I wanted to see if there was a way for this to change.


“Test Trap” is a 2020 Digital Graduate Show project by Daniel McLaughlan, a Game Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Find out more

Website: danielmclaughlan.wordpress.com

To hear Daniel talking about the project in more depth check out their Inside the Process video.

Daniel John McLaughlan

Pause carousel

Play carousel