Csenge Nagy

Modelling environmental degradation and regrowth through 3D scenery

Presented as a player simulation, my project is a 3D environment that a player can walk through and explore. The scene focuses on the Anthropocene and the environmental degradation caused by humans. It also portrays the development of natural regrowth in the absence of humans. The scene is explorable in two distinct timelines by transitioning between the different stages: at the peak of human activity and after many years of human absence.

The project intends to showcase the significant impact that humans have on the natural environment by depicting the drastic changes between the stages, ranging from man-made objects to a thriving floral wildlife. It follows the theory that nature doesn’t need people and will eventually recover in the absence of humans. Through visual details and environmental storytelling the player is encouraged to observe,speculate and eventually, react.

Project info

  • Developer Csenge Nagy
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Arts

Modelling environmental degradation and regrowth through 3D scenery

Explore a 3D scene focusing on the Anthropocene and the human effect on the natural environment.


I was motivated by the sustainable development goals, and wanted to base my project onto a global issue. Digital media such as video games and VR can be an efficient tool in raising awareness and getting people to further research and act on the delivered message.


“Modelling environmental degradation and regrowth through 3D scenery” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Csenge Nagy, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

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Csenge's Website

Full Project Here!

Csenge Nagy

Pause carousel

Play carousel