Conor Barber

Animated Horror Scene for a Family Audience

For my Honours project, I have visualised and animated a test scene to serve as a proof-of-concept for an animated horror short.

Conceptually, the short centres around a young girl trying to free misunderstood souls, long-trapped in the pages of a book, and a mysterious law-enforcement agent who tries to stop her. The scene that I have realised takes place in a graveyard, where the agent is confronted by the first-released soul - a living skeleton. I identified this section as an appropriate proof-of-concept because it has its own self-contained narrative whilst hinting at the larger story at play.

The aim of this project was to focus on how to generate suspense and tension in a family-friendly horror context. I also explored visual storytelling and the best practices for staging, pacing and editing animation.

Project info

  • Developer Conor Barber
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Arts

Animated Horror Scene for a Family Audience

Creating a proof-of-concept scene for an animated horror short. Through this project I explore how to generate suspense through animation.


I wanted to push myself creatively and see what I could pull off inside of one academic year.


“Animated Horror Scene for a Family Audience” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Conor Barber, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

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Conor's Website


Full Project Here!

Conor Barber

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