Austin A Flynn

Generating NPC Dialogue Procedurally

“Generating NPC Dialogue Procedurally” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Austin A Flynn, a Computer Game Applications Development student at Abertay University.


A project to generate non-playable character (NPC) dialogue that gives the illusion of a deeper game world by simulating the population growth of a pre-industrial village and assigning dialogue based on important events or personality traits.

In practice, this project could be used to reduce the workload of a game writer when creating a large game world, or potentially allow for more lifelike NPCs to be generated for endless procedural worlds.

The data is output to a CSV file to allow it to be exported with a fair amount of ease.

Project info

  • Developer Austin A Flynn
  • Showcase year 2021
  • Programme Computer Game Applications Development

Generating NPC Dialogue Procedurally

A project to generate NPC dialogue that gives the illusion of a deeper game world.


I have always enjoyed games that make the player feel like they are exploring and discovering new things and people, and NPCs are almost always an integral part of this experience. Because of this I felt it would be a fun and interesting experience to attempt to quantify and improve the NPC generation of games like Dwarf Fortress and Elite Dangerous.


“Generating NPC Dialogue Procedurally” is a 2021 Digital Graduate Show project by Austin A Flynn, a Computer Game Applications Development student at Abertay University.

Find out more

Austin's Website


Inside the Process

Austin A Flynn

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