Dr Jacqueline Archibald

School Head of Teaching Quality and Learning Enhancement

School School of Design and Informatics

Department Central School

Contact info

+44 (0)1382 30 8634


I am Head of Teaching Quality and Learning Enhancement for the School of Design and Informatics and as such I am a member of  University committees including Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) and Academic Standars and Quality Committee (ASQC).  I am also Chair of the University Partnership Committee.

My PhD was in Natural Language Processing but over the years my research and teaching interests have evolved to focus on user interfaces, security, web design, Artificial Intelligence and user experience.

I am a member of the Security Research Group and have recently supervised to completion two externally funded PhDs in areas of Usable Security and DataVisualistaion.

As a STEM ambassador, I have previously worked closely with Dundee Science Centre and local schools to encourage interest in all things computing. 

Something I’m always keen to convey is that computers can do great and exciting things but creating the software tools that enable us to do those things – whether it is mobile apps, websites, security protocols, or digital forensic tools – is just as exciting.

I am Programme Tutor for MSc Ethical Hacking and  Cybersecurity. On the programme I am Module Leader for  Network and Information Security Management. I am also Module Tutor for Honours Projects for BSc Programmes within the School. 

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Modules that I lead and contribute to

CMP508 Information Network and Security Management

CMP400 Honours Project Proposal and Execution

CMP403 Honours Project Dissertation


My PhD falls within the area of Natural Language Processing but my research interests have developed over a number of years.  At present my research interests are in aspects of User Interfaces, Usable Security and Web Design.    I have successfully supervised 6 PhD, 2 MPhil and 2 MbR  in area of AI, Security and User Experience.  I have been internal examiner for 5 PhD examinations.

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I have been External Examiner for Computing and Web Development undergraduate degree programmes at University of Portsmouth, University of Teesside, University of Hull - Doncaster College and University of Durham - Stockton College.



I have been a STEM ambassador working closely with Dundee Science Centre  and local schools to encourage interest in all things computing. I want to stress that computers with their many software tools can do great and exciting things. However it is just as exciting to create those software tools whether it is mobile apps, websites, security protocols, digital forensic tools  .

Meet the rest of the team

Professor James Bown

Professor James Bown

Central School | Interim Dean of School

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Professor Nia White

Professor Nia White

Central School | Dean of Research and the Graduate School

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