Chair's Committee


To ensure that the organisational, administrative and management procedures of Court are such as to make the most efficient contribution to the achievement of Court’s objectives; to keep these procedures under review in the light of changing circumstances and to make recommendations as necessary for improvements in them through changes in the structure of any of the committees or the organisation of the University, in the distribution of functions and responsibilities, or otherwise.

To act in the name of Court in any cases of urgency, of which the Chair of Court shall be the sole judge, and where it is not practicable to convene a meeting of Court, subject to the Committee’s decision being reported to the next meeting of Court.


Ex-officio members comprising the:

unless they are also Secretary to Court

When the Vice-Chair of Court holds office also as the Chair of the Finance and Corporate Performance Committee or Governance and Nominations Committee, one member of the lay core or co-opted membership of Court shall be appointed to the Committee by the Chair for the period of the Vice-Chair’s term of office as such Convener.


Vice-Principal (Strategy and Governance) and University Secretary

Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary (Minute Secretary)


Four members


The Committee shall meet at a minimum of 5 times per academic session. 

Approved by Court - 23 November 2022

Current Composition

Lynne Hamilton

Steven Traynor


David Brew - Chair and the Chair of the Governance and Nominations Committee

Heather Dunk - Vice-Chair and Chair of the People, Health and Equality Committee

Professor Liz Bacon - Principal and Vice-Chancellor

Professor Alastair Irons - Deputy Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Antony Marks - Chair of the Finance and Corporate Performance Committee


Caroline Summers - Vice-Principal (Strategy & Governance) and University Secretary

Dr Dianne Peden - Head of Governance and Deputy Secretary (Minute Secretary)

If you would like a copy of the Committee Terms of Reference and Composition in another format, please email




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