Samuel Chaba


Ævi is a tiny open-world first-person “walking simulator” exploration game situated on a small Nordic island, following the story of one family faced with difficulties. The story contrasts the "world of the adults" to the perception of children. The game tries to couple progression of space with progression of gameplay, and uses environmental storytelling and decentralized narrative to create “lived-in spaces” and a believable world. Through the design of the space, it investigates the role of spatial communication in exploration and navigation of non-linear spaces.

Project info

  • Developer Samuel Chaba
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Game Design and Production


A tiny open-world exploration-driven game investigating the role of spatial communication in level design.

'Ævi' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Samuel Chaba, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.


'Ævi' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Samuel Chaba, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

I have always been intrigued by spaces particularly designed around exploration - my favorite aspect in games. As a player, I could feel the difference between where this was done right and where it wasn’t. This project would aim to uncover the heuristics in spatial communication that lead to particular player experience and behaviour to enhance my professional development as a Level Designer; connecting my personal and professional interests.

Connect with Samuel


Samuel Chaba

Pause carousel

Play carousel