Rebekah Beattie

Perspective Matters

'Perspective Matters' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Rebekah Beattie, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.


This project is to create a game concept around my daily struggles with communication and interpersonal relationships, specifically around text messaging when I can’t indicate tone and mannerisms through voice and facial cues. This could be a project to create a better understanding of neurotypical people and showcase the daily struggle others face. This project will draw from my own experiences and scenarios where I’ve felt discrimination for how I’ve spoken or acted. I’m also taking inspiration from frustrations I’ve faced whilst doing therapy as my brain thrives on interactivity and practical tasks. I’m motivated to create something personal and open myself up in the hopes to inspire helping others and improving my own health. This project will help improve my skills in game development and help me focus on getting the correct skills for my future line of work in the game industry.

Project info

  • Developer Rebekah Beattie
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Computer Arts

Perspective Matters

This project is an interactive game concept retelling my experience of difficulties communicating within interpersonal relationships through texting.

'Perspective Matters' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Rebekah Beattie, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.


'Perspective Matters' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Rebekah Beattie, a Computer Arts student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

My own personal experience helped me push towards creating a project of his nature. Something personal was the right motivation to prove my worth, my talent and skills I can bring to the industry.

Connect with Rebekah

Portfolio - Twitter

Rebekah Beattie

Pause carousel

Play carousel