Pablo Granado Valdivielso

Applying UX, UI, and visual composition theory to improve the usability of an inventory mechanic.

'Applying UX, UI, and visual composition theory to improve the usability of an inventory mechanic.' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Pablo Granado Valdivielso, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.


The goal of this project is to enhance the user experience of a novel inventory system for an original game concept. Through research and iteration, a prototype will be produced as a result of the project. That prototype will contain the inventory system and other basic game functionality to contextualize and evaluate its use. The research will focus on three main problems found in the first iteration of the inventory: The lack of discoverability, poor system feedback to players and the tension between the amount of content in the inventory and the players’ ability to perceive it effectively. Designing solutions for those problems will require the application of UX, UI and visual composition theory. On top of that, informal playtesting sessions will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of any measures taken by the designer.

Project info

  • Developer Pablo Granado Valdivielso
  • Showcase year 2023
  • Programme Game Design and Production

Applying UX, UI, and visual composition theory to improve the usability of an inventory mechanic.

The project aims to improve the usability of a novel inventory mechanic through iteration, and to produce a prototype that showcases that mechanic.


'Applying UX, UI, and visual composition theory to improve the usability of an inventory mechanic.' is a 2023 Digital Graduate Show project by Pablo Granado Valdivielso, a Games Design and Production student at Abertay University.

Project Motivation

I was motivated to undertake this project inspired by the modularity of combat systems like that in Transistor (Supergiant 2014). I wanted to replicate its effects while applying a layer of gamification to improve player engagement.

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Pablo Granado Valdivielso

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