Annie's Café

Annie's Café

Annie's Café is a great place to eat, study, relax or meet people for a drink or some food. It is open everyone including the general public.

Annie's Café

Opening hours

Annie's Café: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.

Annie's is closed at weekends.

On the menu

You can buy freshly-ground speciality coffees, plus normal and fruit/herbal teas and where possible, decaffeinated versions as well. You have a choice of non-dairy milks, syrups and toppings.

There is a selection of sandwiches, paninis, toasties, baguettes, and fresh salads, all supplied locally from nearby bakery. There is a delicious soup every day along with confectionary, soft drinks and made-to-order iced drinks and hot chocolates.

If you can help the environment with a reusable travel mug, you'll be rewarded with a 30p discount/drink.

On the menu

Loyalty scheme

We offer a coffee loyalty scheme. Just ask our friendly team who will be delighted to tell you all about it.

Buy stationery & branded merchandise

Annie's is the place to go to if you are need stationery supplies or Abertay University branded merchandise. We sell cosy hoodies and items like water bottles and keyrings.

Cashless campus

The campus and café are cashless. All major debit and credit cards, as well as Google and Apple Pay, are accepted.

Sustainable Food Policy

We are committed to providing healthy and sustainable food and drink to our customers. Find out more in our Sustainable Food Policy.

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